Not A Monster

Cameras everywhere is sounding less and less Orwellian and more and more comforting to me. Fuck this asshole. I hope he at least sees the picture and knows everyone thinks he's an animal.

My favorite negging: An ex of mine who was creepy-misogynistic got back in touch with me and asked me out for a drink. I decided I'd go and if he had really changed, we could have a friendly drink and if he hadn't, I'd walk out. I agreed to go and he then sent a follow-up email: "I forgot that you're married now. I

Ugh, negging.

Hello, I think the deals should stay where they are. All in one place. :)

Hello, I think the deals should stay where they are. All in one place. :)

I agree, though in principle it seems perfectly valid to a create a fictional world that is extremely misogynistic. As long as your presentation doesn't validate it.

Its not a coincidence that the cops started cracking down tonight. They knew the autopsy report was going to drop and this is a great way to both distract from it and use the few protesters seeking confrontations as a way to build support for the police and their actions. The cops may be heavy handed and just plain

They reproduce so quickly, it's a very ethical meat to eat, especially compared to beef.*

People who scare women out of medical treatment deserve a special place in hell.

This is precisely why women are scared of standing up for themselves when being cat called. Not only can harassers go ballistic like this, but they also, usually, cowardly "travel" in large packs.

This kinda says everything about the real motivation behind a lot of catcalling, huh?

I agree. It's tasteless, but not racist. If they took a picture making fun of ridiculous hipster trends, no one would accuse them of racism. Frankly, what seems the most racist here is that Mark is implying that gang culture is somehow part of African American or Hispanic cultures.

but as a woman, how will my employer know they can pay me less?

It's not "wrong", it's just ugly. I hate it on men too... Having zits on your face isn't wrong, it's just ugly. Nothing wrong with looking good.

There is a waiting period for abandoned vehicles. Even then, if the guy wasn't contracted by that hotel to handle towing services for their parking lot, he's in even more trouble. As he basically stole vehicles from private property. So in addition to it basically being a hate crime, he also stole them. He's going to

Banning of costumes is absurd. So, in order to wear an Native American Indian feather bonnet, how much Indian DNA does one have to possess?

I'm of Cherokee and Choctaw descent (as well as some Western European in the family tree), and it doesn't bother me if 100% lily-white people want to wear Native American clothing items / war bonnets on stage, or where ever else. I don't find it offensive. I actually consider it somewhat flattering - they wouldn't be

Unless you're wearing the clothing to specifically mock the culture, I see no issues with people appropriating cultural clothing.

So now I can't represent my culture there? Fuck you, white man.

I'm sure someone would be even more upset about that... "They didn't even get it right!"

They are doing this to prevent moronic controversy-loving blogs from trashing them, not because this is an actual issue deserving of time and energy