MY DAD IS IMPORTANT is in the lead, but IT WASN'T REALLY A THREAT I WAS JOKING is thundering up the rear. And now I'M GONNA GET YOU FIRED is making his move!
MY DAD IS IMPORTANT is in the lead, but IT WASN'T REALLY A THREAT I WAS JOKING is thundering up the rear. And now I'M GONNA GET YOU FIRED is making his move!
I think the only appropriate response to "my daddy knows important people" is, "I hear your mommy get around too." Playground to playground.
I don't think my father, the inventor of Toaster Strudel, would be very happy to hear about this...
Note: As soon as you trot out "MY DAD IS IMPORTANT" you've lost the argument and everyone is embarrassed for you.
I feel like you should have your adult card (seeing rated R movies, buying alcohol, voting, that sort of thing) revoked when you say things like, "My daddy knows some pretty important people."
They are people trying to do a job and provide a product which millions of people want.
-I will not babysit any kids of the age that still wear diapers, I don't change any diapers, sorry.
Yup. She's setting them up, complete with documentation via email. And I have to say, the clinic could have done a much better job avoiding this shitshow. "Thank you for your application. We have decided not to progress to an interview at this time." Plausible deniability; case closed.
She obviously was looking to file this lawsuit when she applied for the job. This is someone (more likely an organization funding her) looking for a lawsuit to push their agenda.
I really just need to start sending you my therapy bills, Mark.
Captain Marvel movie. Captain Marvel movie. CAPTAIN MARVEL MOVIE, DAMMIT.
Is she really that popular, because I've never heard of herbivore.
Mark, did Jezebel put you on the "Stories that are so fucked up you wish you had never read them" beat, or is this the life you have chosen for yourself? I call misandry.
considering how many Native commenters here have already reiterated that there are much bigger issues in the way natives are treated and depicted than white girls who think feathers are pretty, I think it's more apt to say: Jezebel won't give up on getting upset over headdresses
If I ran around in bikinis, I would totally pair them with a pope hat.
you can't do anything. Everything is insulting and Jez has the right to shame you about it. Now go back to feeling constant shame over who knows what it is you've done, are doing, or will do. How can you live with yourself?
I would happily run around in a pope hat and a bikini.
If only culture could actually be "appropriated."