Not A Monster

I'm betting Disney will be super-okay with this.

Huh. All of this sounds familiar… almost as if abortion was illegal/inaccessible once, and innocent women died trying to acquire one, rather than skipping the abortion altogether. But that can't be right, can it? No way Louisiana lawmakers would purposely ignore historical evidence that this exact thing would happen,…

Or, you know, Doctors/Nurses *could* be taking 5 minutes to ask the child: "Do you feel safe at home? Does anyone ever hurt you?" - potentially allowing that child to speak up about abuse they may be experiencing, but are afraid to tell their parents about (or can't).

Right now, Justice Scalia is super torn, because while he strongly leans toward ruling in favor of this dickbag's right to threaten his ex-wife with impunity, he's uncomfortable with the idea that he may, however indirectly, be endorsing rap lyrics. Or the Internet.

It doesn't give me faith in humankind, only faith in Japanese people.

When I went to see Book of Mormon I thought it was really awkward that the Mormon church was actually advertising for the real Book of Mormon in the, what? They know what the show's about, right?

I'm pretty sure the Book of Mormon is in the public domain. After all, it was written thousands of years ago by God in upstate New York

only some commenters. #notallcommenters

actor makes a comment that was treated as a joke at the time and was later reported as a joke.

I'm gonna guess that it was one of those deadpanned jokes like, "here's this woman who is going through a meltdown and this guy disarms her by coming over and pretending he is more important." And coming from Jon Hamm, who probably is already dressed up like Don Draper, I'm sure it really helped break the ice.

I think he was trying to distract her with humor, vis a via making it all about him instead.

Crying to laughing would be my exact reaction if Jon Hamm were to ever say ANYTHING to me.

Now I understand. Thank you for explaining. Horrible policy that I'm sure is fairly standard. This whole system is so problematic.

If Qatar tries to bid on the Winter Games, my understanding is that it would be backed by its Free Labour party.

I think we could all use a hedgehog in an egg cup.

Too bad he didn't tweet about it.

That is just straight-up terrifying. If I saw a group of men with assault rifles in a public place, I wouldn't even assume it was an armed robbery, I'd assume it was a planned mass shooting.

Yeah, I feel like more attention really needs to be paid to the fact that the central idea that some employers got to pay their employees less than minimum wage on the basis of the idea that their customers might choose to give them enough to cover the difference was among the dumbest things ever legislated.

We need to deal with it at the root and abolish the tipping wage.