Not A Monster

Hi, just breezing through here. Didn't read the article but wanted to comment on the picture. That woman would be so much prettier if she just smiled. Anyway, I'm heading to the gym now to hit on the women while they're trying to work out. I think I'm going to ask the hot blonde I have a crush on to smile for me

Because then Jesus would have had the dirty dirty sex, and that would ruin everything!

This makes total sense to me, because I remember when my prom date did his "promposal," we were sitting in the Student Center and he went, "Hey, do you want to go to prom with me?" And I said, "Sure." And that alone must have cost him a cool grand.

The Book of Proverbs says that he who states his case first seems right until another comes forth to challenge him.

I get why clickbait isn't acceptable to use for some sorts of criticisms, but how do you figure it's not acceptable to use in the case of a misleading headline designed to make people think that a fairly mundane article is not mundane? I take it to mean the same thing. You may not like that it carries with it a much

Sensationalized headlines used to make not-so-life-or-death stories sound like its LITERALLY LIFE OR DEATH is lame click baity garbage used to drive eyes to stories that don't deserve it.

I have spent over 20 years working in the nonprofit sector. I have develop programs, serve a fundraising director, executive director and now am an executive coach and organizational development consultant for a national youth development organization. You have written a pretty good article, but there is one big

I was really hoping that this list included laser hair removal because I am seriously considering that shit.

I used to work at a pet store that did rescue, and we always had batches of lab mix puppies. Their love for everyone was the purest love I have ever witnessed/experienced. Joyful times.

kissed to death by Great Dane puppies is definitely how I want to die.

Bring out the torches....

No matter what religion, the fundamentalists take the fun out of everything.

So agreed. My mom just adopted a dog who was rescued from a puppy mill. She was one of the breeding dogs before she was saved, and she is the sweetest girl in the world, but you can tell she was treated SO horribly. She was really underweight, had a broken jaw that was never treated (and therefore set wrong), only

I dunno but let's play a game.

I can't be the only one thinking this:

Look, comedy is one of those sacred arenas where I think political correctness should have some flexibility. If the context, the delivery, and the joke itself are all funny and expertly executed, it doesn't really matter if it's perfectly PC. In fact, I think that sometimes humor in all of its brazen and insensitive


"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."

I still get really strangely sad about Brittany Murphy when I see her on screen or read her name. She was not done showing us her talent, by half. This is really sad, I hope her family get the closure they're looking for.