
You know who's feeling silly now? The people who complained about the color of Wonder Woman's boots in a show that never materialized. Personally I'm not going to get my undies in a bunch. Change is good! I see Metropolis, I see France...

Means you get a brand new SE of the original trilogy where Hayden Christensen has dubbed all of Vader's dialogue, by speaking into a coffee can. You know, for authenticity's sake.

I think they gave me Italian Vader by mistake. He gesticulates a lot (even he's when not speaking) and looks like he's been overdoing the pasta a little.

Burton appreciative as I am, I have to admit I find the original short pretty terrible. The tone is all over the place, the humor and pathos don't gel at all, it's very clear he hasn't found his voice yet. Of course if it helped him find his style, that's all for the best, but it's only for completists I think. Will

Was wondering the same thing. I doubt it's because the artist is implying some sort of connection—anyway, Balder is generally considered the christ figure of Norse mythology. Thor would make a really crappy sacrificial lamb.

Um,, wash. Wash my hands. Don't think I've ever been them.

Someone wanted this memeified...I was my hands.

That's no Hulk, that's a...oh, it is.

Son, I am disappoint. (obvious)


"Conan, what is foreplay?"

So the original was written by a famous director, and directed by a famous screenwriter? No wonder everything about it seems ass-backwards. In the best of ways.

I want to see My Fair Lady with Nadsat instead of Cockney, including showstopping warbles like "Wouldn't it be horrorshow" and "Itty me to the church real skorry, droogs".

The first pages of chapter 2 have been switched around, and I think page 28 is missing?

Walko builds a world where superheroes are at the mercy of morning talk shoes

Step 4, sadly, is profit. I'm as cynical as the next person, but how do you not weep at the thought of something scoring 4.2/10 on the IMDB and still ruling the weekend?

The contract failed to mention a Bollywood routine, but Bane is giving it the old college try.

I lol'd.

Now what do I do with my Suntory Whisky?