
Aha, so it's about the plight of the dining classes? I was going to suggest it's used as an attempted shortcut to Inceptiondom, but this makes sense too. "Quickly darling, before those insufferable Thompsons snatch our table at Chez Paul!" BRAAAAAAHHMM

Just wondering: Why do trailers or promo pics for time/space/mind-bendy thrillers currently feature people running through a concrete jungle in slightly messed-up evening wear? Was there a formal dress sale in Bloomingdales?

You had me till Bryan Adams. DEALBREAKER. Every time.

Have you also seen Dark City? He can deliver. You're right about the source material, though. But the arch-angelic conflict thing worked so well for Legion! *cough* *cough*

...yep, brothers.

Conflicted. The cast is marvellous—that dwarf list made me keel over—and I like the idea of "Anti-Snow White". But the producer shoves the "deep emotional roots" in there like an afterthought, and the director doesn't exactly come off like he has a clue what he's doing or the experience to carry a project like this.

Hooray for Pissed-Off Buster Poindexter!

I find your lack of pants disturbing. Seriously.

Vaguely Relevant Norseness Anecdote #423: One summer vacation our otherwise toy-phobic parents bought us a rubber dinghy, which was something of an event, and we each paid for a paddle out of our pocket money. My wonderfully geeky brother instantly decorated it with silver marker and wrote THE MILLENNIUM FALCON on the

Imaginary seals posing as an imaginary sea serpent? That's some powerful whiskey.

Imaginary seals posing as an imaginary sea serpent? That's some powerful whiskey.

I don't think he was hallucinating exactly. More like the combination of a shrouding mist, slightly blurred vision and an alcohol-fuelled imagination making the arching backs of seals look a lot more like the loops on a sea serpent. Hey, I've seen things I couldn't identity while sober, I'll buy it. (Just this morning

My aunt used to date a guy who told me about his trip to the Loch. One of the locals advised him that whisky attracted Nessie. And sure enough: He sat down by the lake one early morning with a bottle. And when he had finished most of it, it happened: A flock of seals swimming and diving together in the mist suddenly

Crew on a ship named Prometheus stealing secrets from the gods. Oooh, subtlety!

Exactly! He gives good trailer, but then it's like he suddenly realizes to his astonishment that the movie has to be more than three minutes long, so he goes digging through his pocket lint and behind the cutting room sofa cushions for stuff to put in between the highlights. Expect at least half an hour of Jon

I would shut up and eat my awesome, if my awesome was awesome. Unfortunately my awesome has gone cold.

Hah! On the contrary, catholic priests sometimes try to get into smaller...uhh...I think I'll stop here.

Uhm, black holes, artificial and otherwise? It may be a little dark in there, but where we're going, we don't need eyes to see.

Ah, I see. I was thinking in filmic terms. Once again my poor knowledge of sports gets the better of me...

Hmmm. I will forever defend Starship Troopers as the only $200M spoof ever made, and Verhoeven as a brilliantly shrewd rebel working within the system. But I still prefer, Aliens...I mean Alien...ok, it's a toss-up. Both are masterworks on their own terms.