The Residents wore eyeball helmets (with fetching top hats and tails), not Descendents.
The Residents wore eyeball helmets (with fetching top hats and tails), not Descendents.
I can't watch either for three minutes without falling asleep?
These are pretty. And I'm a grizzled old cynic who really just wonders which unlucky intern had to sift through 6000 Flickr pics to find them.
Same here! I enjoyed the movie so much more than I thought I would, so it's good to see it get some IO9 love.
A Sons of Anarchy star joining a GdT project? Duh! Well gee, it wouldn't happen to be...oh. Not Ron Perlman? I'll go sit in a corner now.
Gift from my mother-in-law. Don't judge. (And I've actually grown to love the little bugger.)
Creepy: This.
The Thames Television jingle still makes me a little uneasy after all these years—maybe because it was followed by The Tomorrow People, which really creeped me out.
The entrails of his sons, no less. His wife gathers the venom in a bowl, but every time she has to empty it, his pain makes the earth tremble.
I hear he tends to rush in, though.
+5! Makes me wonder why Hitchcock never made a cosmic disaster movie. Probably because it's hard to get a blond wig and a pedestal that large.
Not that fantastic, according to my mom. She tasted her first banana a couple of years after WWII. Her parents presented it to her as something very special, so she didn't dare tell them she didn't like it much.
There's probably a joke about Thor's goats to be made here, but even my polluted mind is shying away from it.
This is kind of a Superman/underwear issue, isn't it? "No Vlad, the muscles go on the inside!"
...and now I know why my boyfriend—whose his gaming experience in 43 years of life has amounted to "maybe trying out Pacman once or twice"—hasn't let go of the controller since I let him try Angry Birds three days ago.
Yes, this looks like it wants to be Angel meets Shaun of the Dead very badly, and the humour seems strained. But you really only had to say "Taye Diggs with fangs" to get my attention.