Try getting that stuck in your eyelid.
Try getting that stuck in your eyelid.
This is clearly a surreal meditation on the effects of EC/EU agricultural politics, founded in post-war material panic and — this film boldly suggests — misguided nostalgia for agrarian society (represented by the farmer's tears), leading to overproduction and price dumping, with unpredicted consequences for the world…
"Eye in the Sky" was nightmarish enough to stay with me for a couple of decades. It could be excellent movie material — so many possibilities — but it will need updates of course: Communism is hardly good angst material these days. And I do not want to see an inside-out cat on the screen.
William Fichtner, yess! IO9, you just brightened my day considerably. He's pretty much the most underappreciated character actor out there.
Was just thinking of that, and of Pan's Labyrinth. I suppose you could argue that both have bittersweet, ambiguous endings rather than "bad" ones, because the protagonists can go to their private "happy place". Either way: They made me feel like shit, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Interesting article, but I think you go it all backwards. As you said, this is fiction...and happy endings are a sickeningly familiar formula in fiction, just like terrible endings are sickeningly familiar in life. We need change, the real kitten surviving and the fictional "good" guys failing once in a while! And I…
Ah, Holly...useful and informative as ever.
So being a superhero is all about the application of makeup and accessories. Screw her powers—will her nail polish match her boots this time? Find out after the break!
Buh. Half an hour after I finish watching the Firefly pilot for the first time, I come on IO9 and see this on the front page. Now I'm half expecting River Tam to leap screaming out of my freezer next time I reach for the Phish Food.
Those shark/dog anatomy toys are pretty cool, but what's fourdimensional about them? They exist in time as well as space? That wasn't really a special feature last time I checked.
No no, it says on the box they smell like gourmets! marginally better, I guess?
#13 looks like Nariko from Heavenly Sword. But I don't remember her taking this stance in any part of the game...
I was getting the same thing in Chrome at first, but after a reload I'm seeing it in proper gallery format.
You forgot "On my signal..."
Bearantula, is that you?
Waaait a that Mark Hamill?