
Sidekick: "I believe that mysterious lady purloined the letter!"

Other than "games in general", my greatest accumulated time sink over the last 10-15 years must be Discworld. While waiting for a new release, I've often started over on the series...I'll usually be somewhere around Guards! Guards! when the next book arrives.

@etodez: I hope it was also with the audience in mind—to inject some humanity into the character. Make him easier to identify with. No-one wants to follow a character for two hours who they can't identify with, and I think most people will have trouble connecting with someone who never doubted a damn thing.

Wait, this all happens in 2020? I'd better get cracking on the kickboxing skills, then.

I <3 Axe Cop to the power of infinite. But he should never ride anything but a T-rex.

Possessed flashdance! Night of the Demons looks so cheesetastic. I especially like the dude's constipated frown, which I think is an attempt to convey the mixed emotions of "Do I poke it or run away screaming?"

It is a marvellous year for shitty cinema indeed when The Nutcracker in 3D only gets a single nomination...

Will it be called "Flogging a dead Cat"? Because that's what it will feel like.

"And, come on, they wouldn't look any more stupid than a chihuahua."

@glwtta: 2½ Men is Josef Fritzl's favorite show too. It's all coming together...

@a.seivewright: Ah, leopard skin push-up bras...practical and fetching!

Holy cephalopod saturday! Which Old One do I sacrifice my firstborn to for one of those? did they determine afterwards if the rats were cured or not? "Squeak if your ears are still ringing"? Handing out a questionnaire? Mind reading?

@Manly McBeeferton: My first thought too. That story didn't freak me out too much when I read it, but it must have stuck with me on some other level, because I can't look at that wall. It almost makes me physically ill. Urgh.

(Accidentally posted this in the gallery before)

Came across these earlier today—a guide to recognizing your snowflakes:

A time honored tradition! I heard Jeremy Irons won his role in a contest as well.