@corpore-metal: @Strakus: I think the premise is that human boxing has become outlawed. Of course we all know that would just move it underground, rather than make everyone bet their savings on robots, but suspension of disbelief and all that.
@corpore-metal: @Strakus: I think the premise is that human boxing has become outlawed. Of course we all know that would just move it underground, rather than make everyone bet their savings on robots, but suspension of disbelief and all that.
@fluffywarthog1029: Me! And Frost/Nixon which he was great in. He does smarmy soo well.
@Shiryu: I have never ever heard of this, but it looks marvellously demented and awful. (Crotch chainsaw?)
"We can't wait to get to know Hugh's little robot fighter."
@Smeagol92055: Me too, they owe me one! I've decided they can make up for it by coming around to my place on Saturday. It's only fair.
@cletar: But better than Martin Lawrences Wuthering Heights, surely?
@Belabras: Luberman.
Definitely Star Wars. My brother was a fanatic and I did everything he did, so I was a fan before I even saw the movies. When the ESB and RotJ graphic novelizations came out, he sat down with me and read them aloud cover to cover. I spent all my pocket money on SW figures.
I'm getting my brother the Star Wars: Visions artbook (because I secretly want to own it). I almost changed my mind when I went to the official store and saw this in the description: "Featuring forward by George Lucas". Really, StarWars.com? Really? I know the difference between "forward" and "foreword", and it's not…
@RDRR: I'll have a number 15 with extinct anchovies, then.
If the future doesn't have pizza, I'm not going.
@dirtybacon: The first Dirk Gently book is my favorite Adams, read it several times. The second did nothing for me.
@Malcontent79: I'm definitely with you regarding the telly. Wouldn't know about the women, but I have a lesbian Dutch friend who is crazy about British women. She says it's the accent.
@CarrerCrytharis: Good point!
Do want! As long as it leans more towards Holistic Detective Agency than Long Dark Teatime of the Soul. I could never get into that one.
@Malcontent79: Food, TV and women are only available in the UK?
@Vexxarr: My name is Norseness Montoya. You kill my sanity. Prepare to die.
My brain has all kinds of questions and concerns about what happens if Avengers, Thor or Cap fail, how old Downey will be when they get around to it, etc. But the rest of me keeps overriding it with squeeing. YES TO THE YESNESS MORE TONY! Like that.
@UPandB: Actually, I think only Frankenstein and Alice are complete, since they are shorter texts. So I wonder which scene it ends at...