
@Yamato: Because playing games that featured these creatures would reduce us to quivering vegetables?

Another chance to plug this unsung hero of science, gathering animal droppings for the good of mankind:

Kids, when Metal Lizard Palpatine offers us a floppy disc, what do we say?

@WookieLifeDay: Had to go and look. Might be Salman Rushdie, though.

@Belabras: Ha! Never saw this one before...but I won't forget the Danger: High Voltage video in a hurry.

The subcontractor blamed the renovation crew they had hired to clean up. The renovation company blamed a newly hired junior assistant for not listening when he was told what sand was supposed to be there, and what should be removed. The junior assistant blamed his mother for calling him while he was receiving

@agrind: That is just the greatest thing I've seen all day.

Somehow I know my dietician won't accept "A goat activated my gremlin" as an excuse.

@hardeho: Thank you very much!

@Stochastic_Sam: I have a problem with brevity, I know! That's why I put it in reply so it wouldn't take up half the page. But thanks for reading anyway. I agree: Shaun and 28 days are the only larger-scale Euro zombie films I can think of, only one of them plays it straight, and that only works because it leans

@Norseness: Zombies always appear in hordes—if there's just one, more will follow. They are the huddled masses, where vampires (before they got defanged for mass consumption) once represented the decadent aristocracy. At least that's a common reading of Stoker's Dracula — the moral terror of the "pure" (=

Excellent article! Triggered a jumble of random thoughts re: the class allegory, see reply.

Outside of Bioshock I've never met an FPS I enjoyed, but I like to think that a lifetime of platforming has given me good reflexes and hand-eye coordination.

I can't stop staring at the director's luxurious angora sweater. Is channelling Ed Wood really a wise choice?

@CoreyHaim8myDog: Was just thinking about that. As usual, my paranoid minds instantly drifts to ways this awesome new technology can be abused.

@Sumada: I agree, and I know Zynga and the other FB game devs are far from the only ones or the first to do this. Business practises of questionable ethics are everywhere. This just really gets my goat because among the tens (or hundreds) of millions playing FB games, many have never gamed before and have no idea how