
Oh lord! In 92, Lawnmower Man was the Raddest Thing Ever, and I watched it several times in awe. It was even considered a probable vision of the VR-fueled future, and the existential issues facing technologized Man.

"Vita Radium Suppositories are guaranteed entirely harmless."

@Bigdamnhero: You just earned the Cool Reference silver trophy. (I just finished Red Dead, and West-Dickens was my favorite character. Guess I didn't realize how close to the real thing he was...)

This is...this, not even gonna try.

Don't know what 14 is supposed to be, but it iz teh awesome.

I never really took a liking to Guigar's seems generic and almost calculated in its geek appeal to me. It might also have something to do with the almost industrialized approach he seems to have towards webcomic production.

Better than the last three is good enough for me. I'm one of those freaks who liked The Village.

@Meredith Woerner: You're welcome, just a shame I couldn't find a better quality.

@Jessy Jacobs: Yeah, guess which one I chose to see in 3D. Nobody tells me anything. *sigh*

@Pessimippopotamus: The Last Linebender? I'd not pay to not go and unsee that.

@GeneralBattuta: Internet won for the day, we can all go home now.

Whosa cute widdle objet trouvé? You're a cute widdle objet trouvé!

Measured on a scale from 0 to Tiffany Aching?

@ManchuCandidate: Even taking the first steps toward starting the learning process requires you to think you have some sort of chance at success. If you don't, you will lose all momentum.

@swenson: "What's the time?" "Here's your piz..." had me lolling, and I'm not an easy loller.

So very cool! It's things like this that make me regret choosing the humanities. (That, and my bank beating my head in with a shovel every month.)

@angusm: "We never thought we'd see this in a million years", they stated.