"My body's a temple."
"My body's a temple."
@D Israel: Agreed, he'd barely make the top ten at the Darwin Awards.
@FrankN.Stein: Yes, it's a no-brainer, but isn't that part of the concept? And the shot was pretty cool.
Would have been amusing with better narration. You wouldn't think it, but it makes or breaks this kind of thing.
"Not available" in IE, but plays in Firefox? Weirdness.
@ThisDudeRufus: @HaoleMcGee: First thing to catch my eye too. I don't remember any Bowie-mullets in Pan's Labyrinth. (Of course that was a wig, but I'm not sure the bulge was all Bowie either.)
@Troy Brooks: I think I made it through the first book, thought "meh" and put it away. No idea why. It just did nothing for me at all, though I swallowed everything SF back then.
@bakana: Japan deserves the ire of an enourmous, pissed-off schoolgirl, who sprouts tentacles and takes out her vengeance on hentai script writers everywhere.
@Dr Emilio Lizardo: Intriguingly, it is also, at the same time, the White Chicks of Clooney Batman movies. I'll fight to the death etc.
Props for Ladamus Prime! All very impressive, I just wish these young'uns would spend their talents and energy on something slightly more original.
Temperate bacteriophages and the Abyormenites? I think I liked their second album best.
@Palmerlime: Heh. When I saw this the second time in London (NOT my choice), there was some sort of flooding emergency backstage. After intermission they announced that the performance would be cancelled and we'd all get our money back. Everyone cheered.
@skywalker24: I was thinking the same thing. But then, it's a "best and worst" list. And since I can't remember the actual birth at all, whereas other scenes from it have stuck with me forever, I'm guessing it fits neither category.
@8x10: Nope, unless you're thinking of the salt water filled kind. Fat, milk glands and connective tissue, for the most part.
I can't exactly predict a hailstorm, but I definitely feel severe changes in pressure in my joints...and I'm 35. By the time I'm retired, I'll be a human weather station.
Is...is that true about Breaking Dawn? Because that would almost make Twilight interesting.
@Mister_Roboto: That pretty much traumatized me for life.
@Garro: No no, this is Priest:
Penicillum can save our lives, but it may also destroy parts of our cultural heritage? That is as ironic as it gets.
copious amounts of silliness