@phillyguy83: This is not the troll you're looking for.
@phillyguy83: This is not the troll you're looking for.
"After Airbender"? It started the moment he even decided to follow The Sixth Sense up with something. It's almost like the fan community willed him to make increasingly terrible movies by demanding the opposite.
@skywalker24: Not intentionally, I'm afraid. I thought he gave a brilliant performance in Boogie Nights, until I saw him in other roles and realized...that is how he talks.
Damn, this doesn't work with the cinema-issued 3D glasses I had lying around. On the not-sure-it's-an-Up-side, they make me look like Carl Fredricksen.
@Nudemanatee: Not obvious in any way, at least I had never heard of this expression! So thanks.
So pretty soon, everyone from the southern regions will come up here looking for Northern Rim housing and, uhh, Northern Rim jobs?
@warpwhistle: Snickers bar foil: The number one cause of global warming.
@Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.: Hmm...is it possible there's an alternate version? Or is my mind playing tricks on me? I just remember Kevin being back in his drab grey world, and Connery seemed lost in time. Strange. The whole thing creeped me out in fact, but then I was an extremely impressionable kid. Must re-watch.
So now the ending will bum me out in three dimensions?
If anyone tries to call this vandalism, they are due for such an asswhooping. Nothing would make me happier than seeing something like this in my urban space.
Having just seen MicMacs, I can tell you with authority that this is not what happens to trash in Paris. 3% is recycled as dancing mechanical rats, the rest is used for building hideouts.
The day called Labor Day is the day you DON'T work? Oh, you wacky Americans.
Very beautiful! I had to go back and look for the northern lights. Wish it would have gone slower, actually.
Me no care. Where's my Bioshock movie?
@d_r_e: Amen, brother.
@SpammerOvTheGods: Morrissey of Mars? Why not.
I...had no idea he was ill, don't know how I missed it. This is devastating. It's just horribly unfair for him to be struggling with this while losing his parents. The article brought up some memories of my father's last days, and I cannot imagine dealing with the onset of Alzheimers at that time.
Colin Farrell = Chris Sarandon?
I don't think he's mentioned it on Twitter yet, though he's a near-compulsive tweeter. Keeping an eye out and fingers crossed.