
This is not just a "rich people" issue. I know plenty of middle class people in safe neighborhoods that get super pissed when carloads of kids from poorer areas get dropped off. Frankly I never understood the big deal. More kids means less candy for me to deal with later. Besides, if *I* lived in a less than safe

Yep. #notallfeminists think this is empowering. I think FKH8's stunts are so embarrassing.

Agreed. This is one giant cringe.

little kids spewing political talking points adults told them to say bugs no matter what side of the political spectrum they're on.

Yes. I'm a die hard feminist and I don't like it either.

Is it ok that I hate this video?

depends on the day. In between the complaining mommy blogs and Pinterest lies your average mom I'd say. I think the anti-perfection backlash, while entertaining sometimes, has gotten overblown and stale for the most part.

I always wonder about those businesses that tout themselves as "Christian Based Companies". If they really are, then along with only paying for the taxes they like, shouldn't they also be giving away a good deal of their products? And perhaps providing free lunch for their employees?

I don't know anyone who does, unless they had a baby like a month before, but the mom bloggers are really into wallowing. I do know people who mostly wear workout clothes and a ponytail, but I would too if I didn't have to go to work. So maybe not pulled together outfits. But stains, no. And what's with the "so

Yeah, it's about telling women what to do with their bodies.

I mean, in my view, they're already doing that. If you view employee health benefits as a part of overall compensation (it is), then they're dictating how someone uses their earnings. Practically speaking, it's not much different than telling someone they can't use their paycheck to buy condoms.

Technically it isn;t a handout, its your own money, but whatevs.

You are confusing unfettered capitalism with fundamentalist patriarchy. They so often go together it's an easy mistake to make.

I support people who choose to have a religion. I just do not support blind faith in anything or anyone.

But then the sluts wouldn't be adequately punished for their choices.

Just based on what I've seen personally, alcoholism seems to frequently be the disease of the smartest and most empathetic among us.

It would be nice if you could also appreciate that many of the people who believe in a god - and many Christians in particular - are just as pro-choice as you. I am a Christian and I don't find that being completely pro-choice (and pro-science and sex positive and a dirty, dirty liberal :P) affects my ability to

If you have sex with your boyfriend in a car in the afternoon with the door open in front of other people and then hitch up her skirt and wipe yourself with a napkin, then don't act surprised if someone calls the police. And she also pulled the "do you know who I am" card, which really makes her an asshole. So

And what proof do they even have to charge them?? The witness?? So one witness can just be an ass and call up about some PDA?? Even if there was some under the clothes action I seriously doubt they were full on fucking in a parking lot in the daytime and then finished, dressed and exited the car by the time the police