
This is exactly how I feel. We saw a bunch of kids dropped off in cars on our street last year (middle class neighborhood, mix of working professionals and students) Seriously, who cares? I want to unload as much as possible so I'm not nibbling on it and my son isn't begging for it until new year's.

I dislike it as well, but I can't put my finger on it. Maybe I feel like having kids say f-bombs are needlessly exploitative and don't help the cause? I don't know. Something about it seems grotesque. Maybe I just don't think encouraging kids to cuss is cool. What's your take?

Thanks for this. I too get nervous when I see these particular (unnecessary, counter productive) battle lines being drawn around religion.

I used to have a big, nasty-ass dog, and I would indeed Febreeze that fucker directly. :)

My point is that misogyny is a structural problem than transcends the individual. Mass media, schools, pornography, fashion and the panoply of other cultural creations that socialize us into our gender roles aren't exactly feminist. Sure, not all, but my point was that getting outside of this socialization takes work.

I do think that straight men have to do a lot of gender work and soul-searching to get out of that category. The notion that men are people and women are women is pretty strongly socialized.

Maybe, or they could have just been curious about who she is/what she does after seeing her name in the news.

30 is no sweat! After you drop the baby, placenta, and fluid you will probably only be dealing with an extra 12-15. Congrats and enjoy! :)

best response yet!

I ...don't even know where to begin. Who said anything about not caring about women dying from lack of healthcare access???

You seem to care a lot, and generally have some major issues with the subject of religion. Maybe work on those issues instead of waving them in everyone's faces.

Jealous. I had to literally beg the nurses to take him to the nursery for a couple of hours so I could get a nap after 10 hours of labor. I shouldn't have told them I was going to attempt breastfeeding, it didn't work anyway!


Team formula! Honestly, I think that switching to formula saved my life during a protracted postpartum depression. Not feeling tied down to breastfeeding allowed me to reclaim my hobbies, sense of my body as my own, and general freedom during a really hard time.

Thanks for this. I'm pleased that I got to do birth without interventions, but breastfeeding was an utter fiasco. I switched to formula after a few weeks, and it was fabulous.

To be totally fair, the trollface is kind of easy to miss/mistake with Spongebob's regular countenance, especially if one is unfamiliar with this particular troll meme.

Yeah, I also found that part lame. The vibe I got was that she was subtly trying to re-assert that she is good wholesome (LTR, just trying to keep him away from porn) despite taking nude photos, which does sort of suggest that this would be something to be ashamed of user different circumstances. And also sort of

This is an excellent point. If fetuses are persons, then we need to see some studies showing the effects of these chemicals, preservatives, and additives on our most vulnerable persons.

Trickle down economics in action!

Nope, because the pro-life agenda isn't really about protecting fetuses/babies, let alone women.