Number 6

Sort of like how People slowly pushed everything about everyday, normal people (albeit who often did incredible things or survived great odds) further and further towards the back of the magazine until it became completely about the meticulously managed, airbrushed and surgically altered celebrities who allegedly

Good gravy, those are some insanely white — and large — underpants. I once read that Justin Timberlake never wore the same pair more than once — because he is filthy rich and presumably obsessed by germs and dirt. I wonder if this is a common pop star affectation?

Please tell me the second to last photo is Davey and Goliath before they cut the Mephistophelian cat and flamboyantly gay uncle from the cast.

Sorry, I didnt make it through anything else after that second item... Alec Baldwin has a podcast???

Sorry, but this is kind of hilarious. The fact the guy's her husband is problematic, but as a totally outside observer, it's great. And I mean he tries to explain it!! He's being a douche, but the way it's JUST NOT GETTING through is amazing.

Very cool. I've seen other alternate devices for paraplegics, but they're even larger and clunkier than this thing, and none let you remain at the level of a person walking upright for extended periods of time. (Beyond the obvious hardship of reduced mobility, I've always thought constantly trying to engage you peer

At some point around age 23 or so my patience for spending all weekend tweaking my machines for more power, more memory, more speed, more whatever simply fizzled. Now I just want a machine that works, how I need it, when I need it, no questions asked. The iPad (and Apple products, generally) fit the bill beautifully.

This is a very logical response.

Oh please let that not be made up of ground up penguins...

Blerg. Did he really feel like it would somehow be more appetizing to dump them into a giant gas jug (or whatever) then try to slurp down six tall frosties?

Yes, very nice. It's amazing how hard it is to find footage of the keynotes after the fact. Nothing on the official Apple YouTube channel and searches just tend to yield shaky cam video of fanboys taping snippets of the livestream and yammering away with their own 'commentary.'

The argument that beastiality is a consent issue doesn't seem quite right for two reasons. One is I think the animal usually engages in the copulation, no one holds it down and forces the self upon it. The other is the fact that, as others have pointed out, you don't need consent to kill and eat an animal. So how is

I don't really like the trend towards elminating version numbers, but why don't they just start naming Apple products like they name cars? They both come in various models and they both come out every year. Make, model and year. No one buys a Ford Cadillac 45, they get a '68 or '89 or '12. Why not an Apple iPad 2012??

An "iPod" icon? Could they at least have illustrated a story about the new iPad with the most recent model??

I'm surprised programmers aren't on the list, what with their culture of unpaid overtime, Mountain Dew, and 30-plus hour coding binges. (For the record, I am not a programmer.)

Yes, it was driving me crazy, and people were complaining throughout the night on Twitter. Someone dropped the ball bad at the telecast. What I couldn't believe is that they weren't able to fix it over the whole three hours of the broadcast!!

Except this isn't exactly a Learjet, it's a computer. A nice computer, but still. And it wasn't always this way. Henry Ford famously paid his workers enough that they could own the cars they produced. And Henry Ford is not known for being a humanitarian. It's just that providing a living wage wasn't always such a

I dunno. He does tend to turn into an evolutionary psychologist any time the subject of men versus women's roles in society comes up. Strange for a guy who probably thinks the planet's 6000 years old.

Well there was that ST:NG where everyone got addicted (literally!) to a mindless computer game. Of course it was part of a nefarious plot to enslave the whole ship by an alien enemy... but well that's not that far off from Angry Birds, right?