Number 6

I don’t know about an errand running car but I do think an autonomous shipping fleet isn’t so far fetched. Tim Cook is a logistics guru, remember. And I’ve always thought the self-driving car market makes more sense for the trucking sector than the consumer marketplace — at least at first — since people would be more

He did used to be over 400 lbs.


Is that you, Alison?

Where is Fred? Too boring to draw?

Better yet is the complete excerpted celebdirtylaundry headline... "

Maybe after this vid goes viral it will be a bit easier?

It's cool he can channel Peter's character but never use it to actually be a jerk to other people (Meg Griffin notwithstanding).

"When I say I want the moon, I want the MOON."

Ken Jennings prob had the Bible stuff down but I think he said he had to cram on sports and maybe pop culture knowledge. Everyone's got their weak areas — even freaky boy genius Mormon computer programmers.

Strangely, I always watch Jeopardy when it's on but never actively seek it out. They're main challenge right now is their lead-in being tied to local news — a medium young people are abandoning.

It's not a bad idea but I also think it's pretty easy to just throw out "some technological solution" out there when you have no idea how to implement it. Of course I suppose that's the advantage of being the guy in charge — the worker bees can figure out how to make it happen.

I kind of want to play his illustrations as a game.

Holy shit, they lost John Oliver and Michael Che and replaced him with some amazing two-in-one version.

It's a MAJOR brand, you bet your bippy they had a filtering system in place. However, not one that couldn't be thwarted by an nefarious extra "s," apparently.

One of my all-time favorite Gawker graphics, it's almost better without any context.

Please note if you have all of these, you outta luck, man.

Did they spring for the 4G, 128GB version? Cause otherwise someone is someone is going to top them by next week. Is Kim Kardashian getting married again yet? I mean, she's already got an app...

A few months ago Wait, Wait... Don't Tell Me did a bit where they seemed to imply Jennifer Anniston was a jokey wash up who no one had ever heard from since Friends ended over a decade ago. Now, I know NPR isn't the hight of pop culture awareness, but geeze... Should a show that features Paula Poundstone on a regular