Number 6

Did they re-integrate any of the cut material with Anakin and Padme from the second prequil? Lucas dump all the yucky emotion scenes for more cool boom boom stuff with spaceships and lightsabres — to the great detriment of plot, character development, etc...

"I'm big in Japan." #sorry

I don't get it... Does she mean that it's not amusing that he tweeted during her commercial break or that it wouldn't be as rude if the tweets were actually funny?

I see your sheep and raise you...

I think there's some willful naivety to all these stories about why its so mysterious that so many people are hating on this guy. Personally, I think there's clearly some lookism and racism coming into play. (There's probably some psychological overlap with the reason everyone in America briefly decided it was

What is that? I want to reach/watch/play/consume whatever this fascinating creature comes from.

I had the exact same thought! Guy's head looks like its carved from a block of granite to 1.5x scale. Freaky.

I think you might be over-romanticizing a city where a young woman was raped at knifepoint. That's not a "forge." Assault is not synonymous with youthful artistic struggle.

Rebecca Black also destroyed Friday. Four more to go, Entertainment-Industrial Complex!

Only slightly embarrassed?

This is going to sell like gangbusters at gas stations and truck stop lounges.

I can't believe how many people see a group so desperate for work that they're driven to extreme lengths to get back a run of the mill working class job, and they reply, 'boo, unions suck' and 'they get paid enough already!'

Ugh. Didn't Julia Roberts once play a formerly fat woman who was overshadowed by her superstar sister in America's Sweethearts? I think she even played a production assistant. Apparently the role had ZERO affect on her ability to empathize. How oblivious can a person be? She sounds like a jerk!

And he's just standing there BEAMING with his parents who both look exactly like him. Ugh.

I'm sure he's fine...

I like how the white car is all like AW HELLS NO and just backs away slowly.

tlnr #toolongneverread

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You HAVE to listen to this orchestrated version of the the Moon Theme.