Good gravy, can you imagine the uproar if they were to introduce ads into our kids books? Many schools won't even allow vending machines.
Good gravy, can you imagine the uproar if they were to introduce ads into our kids books? Many schools won't even allow vending machines.
One word: teenagers.
Yeah, you may have a point but why pick on poor Flickr? Google has a snowflake Easter egg (heck, 'Easter egg' is a more Christian term than lights and snow), as does the Roku home screen and dozens of other sites and apps across the web. Christmas saturation is everywhere; I hardly think Flikr is the worst culprit.
Not when they're fighting she's not.
Sasha is clearly indulging dad's "you're not too old to sit on your father's lap" shtick for the last time. That smile looks a tad forced.
Yeah, the rest of the country's really going to love an all-New Englander ticket. Way to balance out your campaign, Mittens.
I think almost every actor and celebrity who goes on talk shows has a predetermined "shtick," even if it's just an amusing story they want to tell. It's just that with comedians everyone's already heard the it before since they perform these stories as their profession.
Great, this makes those of us who did gain a bunch of weight in college feel even worse...
Maybe they were misinformed because half the people at the DMV don't have a clue about what they're doing? In my experience, no one ever tells you the same thing and their requirements for almost every tiny bit of paperwork seems to shift endlessly. Also, who you get to talk to makes a huge difference. Same goes for…
Isn't this Google's "strategy"? The idea that we won't run programs in the future because everything will be online? Isn't the Google Netbook basically a wrapper for Chrome and Google web services? Why would they alter their philosophy for an app?
On the other hand, he needs to work on his laugh. It's not so much "diabolical" as it is "unhinged doofus."
Um... Henry Ford wasn't exactly a moral exemplar... guy did not like Jews. []
Yeah, I was actually thinking about how everything is starting to look like a middle-aged man's den. For about a minute I wondered if Apple might consider themes — how many soccer moms or, more to the point, their teenage sons and daughters, want to use a calendar that looks like it was bought at the discount rack of…
Do a few media appearances, sell your book, rack up a couple hundred thou through the non-sleaziest offers, then go back to school to finish your degree using your new-found wealth. It would send a powerful message about how you deserve to (but never truly will) regain your lost years, and would help you lay low for a…
I suspect she doesn't know what the person said so much as hear a sound for the first time. I have heard that this experience can be overwhelming, however. Deaf people's brains have never learned how to differential human speech from other background noise (traffic, humming fans, etc.) This is a great moment but I've…
Wouldn't the complete lack of other comments be a tip off? I my experience, baby pics generate outrageously annoying amounts of "awwws" and "too cute!" comments.
Wouldn't stealing someone's images and using them dishonestly consistute a form of identity theft? I don't see why it makes a difference that the victim is an infant.
Look at his son, for Pete's sake! Looks like a deer in the headlights who hasn't shit for a month.
"...any type of sexual activity has no place in the military." Wha?? I guess someone should call up all those Vietnamese prostitutes, WWII war brides, military condom manufacturers and 50s-era government scientists exasperating working on cures for VD and tell them they didn't exist after all. (Not to mention all the…
I bet designers simply don't make clothes to fit her body. Even a professional seamstress can only do so much with designs built for 90-lbs waifs with boy bodies.