I'm guessing Pogue is starting to regret how prominently his family was featured in his old Personal Tech videos at NYTimes.com... maybe he should have kept the focus off the domestic sphere.
I'm guessing Pogue is starting to regret how prominently his family was featured in his old Personal Tech videos at NYTimes.com... maybe he should have kept the focus off the domestic sphere.
Yeah well I heard that Glenn Beck raped and murdered Hitler's Brain in 1990.
I think her financial well being will benefit most from getting on The Daily Show. Or have you not read books before? Plenty of crackpot theories get into print.
I was going to add a third clip, but it turns out that all other Japanese squid videos are horrifying, horrifying pornography.
Without visuals it's basically just mechanical.
He sort of glosses over how facebook caused his divorce in the article, doesn't he? Maybe it has something to do that that trip to Vegas?
Or Tom Bombadil — Peter Jackson might have him killed.
Is this like the male version of white girl problems?
Muslims are constantly excoriated about their atrocious treatment of women — depsite the fact an extremely small minority outside the mid-East practice Sharia law — but somehow Orthodox Jews always given a pass. I think it's about time more people wake up to the fact a religion on our own soil — I suspect the Hasidic…
And sing!
Do people really walk around with iron rods? And then just start like stone cold beating on people with them? Should I get an iron rod? Is everyone else packing irons rods? AM I THE ONLY ONE WITHOUT AN IRON ROD??
Palin does this too. I think the problem is politicians love to talk so much that they simply cannot conceive of being brief.
That is so excruciatingly cute/poignant.
How can one person be so unflaggingly likable?
Like GeoCities, I look forward to a bunch of bored hacktivists uploading the whole damn site as a massive zip file to BitTorrent. [www.wired.com]
Oh wow, just read the Jezebel post about Adam's rant on men's rights. Insane. 100 times worse than this. What an ass. Gives us normal guys a bad name.
Ha. You know, I once read that Adams is a lot more like Dogbert than Dilbert. This sorta confirms that assessment, doesn't it? I would compare this to Charles Schultz or Norman Rockwell — lovable cartoonist is turns out to be tortured asshole — except Adams doesn't do heartwarming little illustrations about…
This is an old vid. Or she's done it before. (Actually, this is pretty likely.) Didn't they kick her out for this?
Jeeze, it's not like this was a graduate course on 17th century dramaturgy... they're building flippin' racecars! Do they really expect "proper" behavior from every student 24/7?