He's not the only one. Welles' film came up in several reviews of the film, including the New Yorker and/or NYTimes.
He's not the only one. Welles' film came up in several reviews of the film, including the New Yorker and/or NYTimes.
Who the hell posts photos to Classmates.com?
According to the New Yorker article, he peed down the elevator shaft by cracking open the door.
I see this, and raise you this...
Oh I check out their stuff from time to time, just not ALL the time.
Totally. How many scrappy startups by friends must we be guilted into liking?
Yeah, it's not so bad online where the "friends" you never interact with, including brands, are filtered out, but it's awful on the mobile app, where it all gets muddled up together. (Of course, I'm sure this is no mistake, considering everything, especially social media, will be mobile in a few years.) It's gotten so…
This is one of the few examples of excessive plastic surgery that doesn't look horrible. Considering she's 55, it's almost a medical miracle. Of course, 20 years from now, it might not be so pretty...
How is that supposed to go exactly? "Hey, Dad, can you tell me if this is too sexy?" *cringes*
Thank you for bringing this video's existence to my attention.
I suppose the payoff for dealing with two periods would be the potential to experience a double orgasm...
The ONLY was this might even remotely make sense is if you've got a group of 3+ people who don't want to go out and pay $10 each for a movie ticket... but SERIOUSLY. If you want to see it that bad, you'll go out to the theater. And if you don't care enough to do that, you probably can wait until it's out on DVD or…
Sort of cool, but there's no way in hell I'm doing this with my $500+ device!
DARN IT! Hitting "Cancel" should not invalidate your WHOLE POST if you're making an edit! Well, forget it, Gawker, I am not spending another 20 minutes crafting that wonderfully cogent counterargument all over again. Boo-urns! BOO-URNS!
While it seems great on the surface for everyone's fave news org to sloth off the yolk of Republican bellyaching, I can't say I agree. The fact is, pulling the plug on government dollars would reduce the reach of NPR — as well as, more importantly, reduce their mandate to reach out to audiences that can't afford to…
The design has real potential. I think the deeper, more significant issue — beyond the sort of griping every site experiences with a redesign — was the frustrating delays, slowdowns, crashes, and lack of commenting functionality.
Oh I always knew we're peons here — class distain/envy is baked into Gawker's DNA! — but it would have been nice if they had held off on the launch till the damn code was cleaned up.
Yes, the comments comments are surprising. How did Denton think his readers were managing to respond to other comments on their posts? We're not bookmarking everything we write on here.
Seriously, what happened to cross promotion? Bad enough they're at the bottom. Maybe Denton plans to roll Gawker.TV into the main site like Defamer and Valleywag now that he's fixated on visual content.