
True that. Though I like to think shit like this usually only applies to white Americans.

I just started watching it a big. Is Jennifer the woooooooooorst or is it just me?

Most of these women seem to be genuinely bad people who have bad taste in clothes, home decor, and men....I haven’t missed a single episode in 10 years. I have no shame.

All in all, she’s way more harmless than Gwyn or Oprah so I have more tolerance for her. One of the true supermodels, and she’s done a lot for black women in fashion. And her bullshit is easier to ignore. 

She called it “Harry Potter meets the modeling industry” and also “Disney meets fashion, beauty, and self-esteem.”

You wear a sendup of a serious organization whose obvious goal is to try and be edgy with right wing memeing to ‘own der libs and dems’.

This made it sound a lot more mysterious than it is. There’s not even anything subtle about it.

Wait... an organization for marlins decided to advertise with “white lives matter” and “blue lives matter?” It sounds more to me like some right wing troll wanted to find some sham front to use those two anti-BLM phrases and just asked themselves “hmmm, what’s white and blue?” Honestly, it was probably a 50-50 shot

I don’t know about ‘sullied’ - Prince Andrew?

Why wouldn’t they? According to her home country, she did her time and is now washed clean of her crimes.

As recently as three weeks ago she was reported as living in Montreal. She was living in the Caribbean for a while, but returned to Canada to settle in Montreal with a new husband and three kids.

Dear Muggles: Please stop thinking of us as a human shield to use as a buffer for socially acceptable women against creeps and monsters. Because that is a super fucked up way to think about other people, which is what we are. 

Honestly, this is also why I get angry when people suggest that the way to deal with incels is to send them to sex workers. Sex workers are human beings performing a service; we shouldn’t condone having misogynists anywhere near them. Can you imagine if men did this to other service workers too? Would you take your

Quebec is also where Karla Homolka currently lives with her husband and children. Yes, the serial killer who raped and killed her own sister. Yes, the same woman who got the Deal with the Devil, 12 years incarceration, in exchange for flipping on her serial rapist husband. No, I can’t let it go.

Social re-insertion plan after killing your wife with a hammer and then stabbing her?!?!

This deserves ALL the stars.  So true!

She’s a racist anti-semite.  It’s on camera.  And nobody talks about it.  WTF. and FUCK HER.

Paris Hilton cashed on a negative stereotypes of women. To over-generalize: most boys took her airheadedness at face value. Most girls I knew recognized that she was putting on a show. It wasn’t exactly innovative...I witnessed the same powerful currency of airheadedness in high school and college. You know, before

Paris Hilton was an omen none of us heeded. 

I  mean, she’s not totally wrong. She did essentially help create reality TV (not single handedly, but it was a FORCE). And I think you can tell from any interview she does that her persona was, indeed, an act meant to entertain.