
This is so fucking real world scary. I’m SO glad you are rid of this fucker.

This is my partner and my FAVORITE and creepiest story this year so far!

Holy fucking shit that is awful, awful, awful!

This is....not a real story. 

NICU units only place newborn infants.

Horror fiction has its place, but this is not it. Good story for somewhere else, though. Maybe try Reddit?

Newborn babies can’t roll and they certainly can’t sit up and they definitely cannot stand up. Babies can’t even sit up until they’re around 6 months. Any nurse, NICU or not, would know that.

And this, my dears, is exactly why you get big, thick, wooden dowels or heavy broomsticks and cut them to fit in the tracks of the sliding glass doors when the door is closed. The entire back wall of our house — both downstairs and upstairs - is just a wall of sliding glass doors that open out onto the woods. You can

I know this is a bizarre thing to comment on in your story, but the horse hair in the walls isn’t actually that weird, since people used to use it to make plaster walls a lot stronger and less liable to crack. The horse hair was used to reinforce the plaster and allowed for greater flexibility of the plaster when

Unfortunately I have never been able to research any more specifics of the legend. It was from the Hidatsa tribe, a small tribe in North Dakota. They have a lot of very specific spirit stories. All I got to hear was that there are spirits who walk on your roof and you are definitely not supposed to investigate when

I would like to know more about this legend... In high school, I was up late one night trying to get a class project done, when I heard what sounded like footsteps. It sounded like they were coming from directly above my room, pacing deliberately from one end to the other. I could have sworn that items on my dresser

My degree is in philosophy, and although it was only a small module, we did intro to metaphysics. It was 10 years ago now, but I remember just having my mind blown by all the different ways time could be structured.

That was the ‘80s Twilight Zone and immediately the first thing I thought of.  “A Matter Of Minutes,” starring Adam Arkin and Karen Austin, written by Harlan Ellison.  

A Native American friend of mine once told me that this is why white people always die in movies. I was telling her about hearing what sounded like foot falls on the roof of my house. I went out to check and didn’t see anything. Then she told me about a local legend about “roof walkers.” She was teasing me but she was

There was an episode of Twilight Zone or Outer Limits, 80s version?, that featured this. Woman thought she was going insane, as the world seemed as if it had stopped, save for these faceless workmen everywhere. At the end, they finally catch up to her and the “foreman” explains a similar theory, that they have to


Have you ever heard of the boxcar theory of time? It’s also known as chronodisplacement and sounds a lot like what you experienced. The idea is that instead of a continual flow, time is a series of instants hooked up together like boxcars. Normally you experience things as continuous and smooth, but occasionally some

A couple of my friends worked for a while in theatre in London everyone said was haunted by a WW2 era stage hand. He wasn’t killed in an on site accident, he apparently died elsewhere during the Blitz but loved his work so much that he went back to the theatre and kind of stayed there. I thought that was really sweet.

When I joined my local theater group last year, I had heard stories about the theater - indeed, the whole building - being haunted. By at least two ghosts - the gentleman who built the building, and one of the first actors to ever join the troupe. (There may be more. Depends on who you ask.)

I was recently driving home from work on a nice sunny evening. The stretch of road this happened on is a slightly uphill, very long block of a parkway, with a very wide (maybe 40 yards wide), sparsely treed median to my right. Since then I’ve tried to count about how long this entire event took and it was probably