David Duchovny was my first serious crush, and seeing him like this makes me question my taste.
David Duchovny was my first serious crush, and seeing him like this makes me question my taste.
Cardellini was SO GOOD in Dead to Me. Everyone was good, but she was REALLY good.
He gets called “Metallica Breath” near the end of the movie.
This movie is fantastic. I avoided rewatching it for years because I didn’t want to be disappointed by it not holding up but now I’m older it’s actually weirdly better?
This movie is amazing. Christina Applegate was interviewed on Fresh Air recently and the whole time I was internally screaming “Why aren’t you asking her about Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead?!?!”
The scene that stuck in my weird child brain was Christina Applegate pouring Captain Crunch and milk into a giant bowl at the same time and plopping it on the table. And I can’t believe David Duchovny and his gross ponytail didn’t get a shout out.
I watched this movie over and over again when it first came out. I absolutely adored it. And I adored Christina Applegate. So I have a soft spot for it in my heart for getting me through many a weekends alone when my sibilings and parents wanted nothing to do with me. <3
There were two movies that were in fairly heavy rotation on HBO starring Christina Applegate when I was 13 or 14. One was shown late at night (“Streets”...don’t watch it) and the other (thankfully) was this.
I don’t know if this movie is good or bad. What I do know is that I was 5 years old when it was released and I definitely saw it after it made its way to VHS and I can absolutely recount the entire film from memory almost 30 years later.
It may not be objectively good (or bad) but it’s always going to have a special…
Everything else today is terrible. Except for this, this is perfect.
I love this movie. I have had a crush on Josh Charles ever since I first saw this movie. He has stayed in my top 5 Hollywood crushes since 1991.
“My dream is that she shows up to some interview, Aviva Drescher Real Housewives-style; with X-rays, and throws pieces of the plane wreckage on the table.”
Straight up now?
I had no idea she was this qualified to be President.
I didn’t know that gay students are something to be “handled.”
I’m surprised that people are expecting lengthy prison sentences in this whole case. That’s just not how, in my understanding, these cases are typically disposed of. The punishment for most of these people is going to be fines and house arrest, with some community service hours thrown in for good measure. Maybe a…