
That poor child has lettuce in her teeth???!?

It’s probably just a good rule of thumb to never eat a food” labeled in quotes.

I thought ranch dressing itself was what was supposed to entice kids (and adults, frankly) to eat raw vegetables. I didn’t know you apparently need to entice kids to eat ranch dressing...this just kind of seems like a marketing gimmick.

To be fair, I have a bizarre obsession with a JoJo of another type

It’s one of those truly horrifying things Trump and his crowd are doing that’s gotten next to no coverage.

My parents swear that this guy is worse than she is. I doubt that, but even so I can imagine the two of them plotting to murder each other in such a way that bodily fluids don't spill.

You never know what you’re going to get with Gwyneth; I’d be equally unsurprised if she and Brad wound up living with all of their kids, plus Chris, Dakota, any offspring they might have, and maybe throw in Blythe Danner and Melanie Griffith. Brand their “group Home” a “GOOP Home”.

I love my husband more than life itself, but I wouldn’t mind one bit if we had, like, adjoining townhouses!

If you knew my sister, you’d understand. She has never been able to successfully live with anyone without having a mental breakdown over it. When I tried living with her as an adult, she cried at least three times a week. Once she cried because I was “...always here, all the time, and [my] stuff is in the bathroom,

Hmn. Spouses can’t be compelled to testify against each other...

Comments section doing way more informative journalism than the article. Sorry, GMG.

I’m glad Anna Farris is free of him. He tweeted something about how the wedding was the best day of their lives, and I know it’s just something you say, but he *does* have a son and I immediately felt sad for him.

Big deal. I went to a cousin’s wedding yesterday, and there was free locally made wine. And lesbians planning their own wedding at my table. (Another cousin and her fiance.) And I helped yet another cousin’s daughter try to catch the bouquet.  I probably had a better time than they did...

Yeah, it was a crazy story and as far as I remember, he didn’t go on a huge PR tour on the basis of it- the first I heard was from the kid’s mom. I looked it up and there is an interview but he barely mentions some significant details other than to say that it was Pam Dawber (his wife) who deserved the credit as she

Too late to edit, I should have said that the reason I mentioned it was a friend of my sister’s wasn’t a sad attempt at 6 degrees, just that since I heard the story from the kid’s mom, I knew it wasn’t dramatically blown up for PR purposes. (And I totally realize that he can have done that brave thing and also be a

This seems like a strange story. She writes about multiple physical assaults, but Vanity Fair has an article that claims ‘her people’ then clarified that she wasn’t referring to on set or at work? The one ‘assault’ that is clarified was on a crew member who was playing with Harmon’s dog and was bitten. While it’s not

This makes sense because my first memory of Mark Harmon was back when he played Ted Bundy in that tv movie that scared the shit out of me as a kid. After that, I associate him with Summer School. Coincidence????????

I keep wondering why celebrities feel that social media is the right forum to announce these types of things? Is it because they can pretty much say anything and hit the widest target audience? Or because by doing so they think they can control the narrative direction by virtue of being first with their side of the

How is there not a registry that people can get put on so that no one is allowed to give/sell them a pet? I unabashedly love Courtney Love, but I wouldn’t even approve of her having a plant or a tank of sea monkeys to care for so her having a dog is definitely out of the question.

True, good catch. Though she SHOULD be worth more than Bezos, if the world was fair.