
Oh yeah. I get you. She does try to keep her hands clean, but she doesn’t actually come off that way (to me anyway). We know what she’s done. And someone’s gotta do something. RHOBH is so boring compared to NY and Atlanta.

About ten years ago, I saw a study that found that number of women who could bake a cake from scratch and do a proper pot roast plummeted since the 1970s. Although I wasn’t surveyed, I would still be proud to say FUCK NO to those questions.

Yeah, but the problem is not that LVP engineers storylines. It’s that she engineers storylines where her hands are kept clean while someone else is cast as the villain. If Lisa had just come at Dorit direct instead of enlisting her employee and Teddi into this scheme, it would be about the puppy. 

People give you grief for teaching your children a necessary life skill? Oy. 

Dear Priyanka and Nick,

I’ve gotten grief for being adamant about teaching my daughters how to cook because “women don’t NEED to cook to feed men” but I’m teaching them because they NEED to be able to feed themselves. Yes, restaurants exist but I grew up broke so it’s hard to break the “Hay comida en la casa” mentality.

It won’t let me edit anymore, but I realized my first sentence sounded short and mean which is not what I meant at all.

No. We get it. We just don’t care. LVP is like the only one who realizes she has to make a storyline for a silly tv show. We need a show. The others take it so seriously. Like Carol says ‘it’s not that deep’.

I think she is probably the devil. Because you kind of have to be to build that business and to want to be on reality TV for so long. But she is just self-aware enough to be charming every now and then, which is what separates her from the other housewives. Now I don’t mean she’s totally self-aware. But there’s

If your brain or your hands aren’t working properly, maybe you “can’t cook”. Other than that, it’s bullshit. You don’t like to, you don’t want to, you don’t take the time or interest to be good at it, and that’s ok. It really is fine.

Am I the only one who gets that Puppygate is not about the puppy? It’s a gross oversimplification, like saying that Watergate was about a hotel break-in. But like Watergate, it’s the not crime that’s the issue here. It’s the cover up. Puppygate is about LVP being a scheming, Regina George-esque puppermaster for

Ok, I’m glad I’m not the only one who really likes Frankel. I feel like most other people hate her.

I don’t think YouTube is responsible for the abuse; if it wasn’t for the channel, this lady would probably have been beating her children for not making their beds or spilling juice or whatever. But the site gave her a way to make money by putting her kids to work with absolutely no oversight, and it does need to

The biggest concern here is the this woman was allowed to adopt seven children! They’re not Beanie Babies! How was that allowed?

Ugh. Those poor kids. I’m glad the daughter had the guts to report her mother to the authorities. You tube should not allow people to make money off their kids unless it can assure proper oversight, just like any other child labor. (Fat chance, I know, but worth mentioning)

I’m really not a fan. She has a lot of shitty views and I’m not into her brand at all. 

She’s in a weird spot. She deserves privacy like any other celebrity. But she rarely grants that to others with her show. She’s been in recovery for months, supposedly, and after returning to her show she didn’t ‘keep it real’ with her staff or audience, despite maintaining that she does so.. I don’t know Wendy..

Dear Grey from Kotaku:

I wish concern trolls would stop lying to themselves and stop showing out in this and other comment threads. No, you do not care about anyone’s health, you are disgusted by another human being’s body. No, the lack of sexual attraction to someone else does not cause you throw a temper tantrum in any comments section.

This is awesome, too bad that every comment section on a post about a big lady is full of garbage people