I dunno, seems pretty rude of her to step on Lennay Kekua while she’s down.
I dunno, seems pretty rude of her to step on Lennay Kekua while she’s down.
“Twerking” may be the general name, but when you’re up against a wall and you go bottoms-up specifically for the Chargers it’s called “Ryan Leafing.”
—Everyone who ever loaned money to Ric Flair
I’m really not that bad, once you get to know me.
The Kevin Everett news blooper...was right here (taps your chest)... the entire time
i dont think those are highlights, i think its some sort of hat.
“What’s attendance mean?”
Alternate headline: Fundamentalists afraid of fundamentalists.
Classic Coach K, beating Calipari at “one and done.”
Julie Hagerty also forgot how to deal with Striker. In II she was sluggish. One might say, like a wet sponge.
Nunes took home a $200,000 purse.
Train. Of course.
Wesley Chapel, Florida
How many times will Tom Ley masturbate during Inauguration Day knowing that he told the most powerful man in the world to go fuck himself?
some of the scene, though none of the head-banging.
Relocation is indeed the worst. Everything is different, there’s no action. You have to wait around like everyone else.
including his son Scott, who is an offensive genius much like his father, who led the Chargers to nothing for multiple years and still doesn’t have a job.
The 2016 election is what a Mel Brooks movie would look like in a universe without laughter.
If you’ve ever spent more than 5 seconds sorting through your mismatched food containers to find the right lid, it’s…