This is the worst transformational digital partnership since Starscream and Optimus Prime started their Feline is Devine Etsy shop.
This is the worst transformational digital partnership since Starscream and Optimus Prime started their Feline is Devine Etsy shop.
A friend of mine told me that a friend of his had said this one band was really good, so we went to see them at the 8x10 in Baltimore, and I was amazed by how awful they were, just this terrible joyless white groove, with an inexplicably self-satisfied front man preening around, and I saw guys in the audience rocking…
Well, farms are one of the largest hay makers..
“it hit me, I should have just went out of bounds and lived to the next play”
They’ve got a death lineup. Possession dies with Melo. Possession dies with Rose. Noah’s knee dies. Porzingis’ career dies. Fans are dead inside. Lot of death all around.
Here he is taking second at the California State 200 meter champs in 2007, finishing only behind Bryshon Nellum, who set a state meet record and went on to be a 4x400 Olympic Silver Medalist in 2012.
Luckily, Gawker Media can turn to the thousands of underemployed lawyers in the comments sections to make sure this whole process goes smoothly.
Just mad because she has a ring and he doesn’t.
I think part of the problem with Mr. Oden is his difficulty in stopping at 4 or 5 shots.
Yann Plan Cooked.
Lots of reporters have been asking about him and that windup, to the point that everyone is sick of it. Fellow reliever Alexi Ogando has refused to answer any further questions.
Running on the platform of the ugliest pitching motion known to man.
Alternate photo caption: Seven-eyed Charlie Brown terrorizes New York.
Fun fact: The poor kid who made that pass, his father is Bryant Stith. Deadspin readers over 30 years old will know who he is.
She's definitely not the first Jackie to be familiar with brutal head shots.
It’s like Alien vs. Predator but Legionnaire’s vs. Gonnorhea.
I’ve been meaning to drop you a note, but you know how things go. You get busy, something else comes up. Anyway, it looks like a gremlin snuck in and made that Sixers-Warriors headline a little misleading.
Wing Bowl Last Place Finisher -
Anchor Julie Stewart-Binks suggested he should dance for her.
Flour for Algernon