
Y’all at this time we should turn to the Wise One, Katy Perry, who once advised us “Watch out for the Regina George in sheep’s clothing.”

I’d like to understand how you come up with a statement like that. I think all of the people who opposed a Trump presidency felt that any person who used racist and sexist language the way he did should simply never be in a position of power over other people. So do you just not believe he said vile racist things or

This is a distraction.

“You expect me to talk, Musk?”

I love how people frame this as “you are upset Hillary lost”.

I really don’t understand this position. Trump will become the most powerful person in this country. His decisions will dramatically affect your life in ways that aren’t even possible to understand in real-time. The choices he makes will affect the world.

This guy has tried to commit suicide how many times now and keeps failing. SAD!

Heaven for-fucking-bid that an automotive blog get out in front of a political story that is directly at the heart of the American automotive industry and which they can talk about with knowledge, depth, and most importantly, specific knowledge of models, plants, and a history of tracking where vehicles are slated to

Waaah! Why is political writing that expressly has to do with cars in jalopnik? Waahhh!

Erm...I don’t think you understand the genetics of race if you believe that CRISPR Cas-9 could actually eliminate a “race”. First, from a genetic standpoint, “race” doesn’t really exist; there are different genes that would cause melanin to be produced more in the skin, but “race” as a concept doesn’t really exist.

If this is successful, maybe we’ll see a cure for Cystic Fibrosis yet (which I have)!

Considering arthropods outnumber mammalian/avian/reptilian body types here on our planet by a massive amount, it stands to reason that their’s is the more evolutionarily perfect form.

So will the crispr make me a little bit taller?

While religiously motivated fears about stem cell research, human cloning research, and research like this continue to limit US scientists, China is moving on with high-tech research into the future of medicine. Meanwhile, our Dumpster-Fire Elect, wants to bring Chinese factory labor jobs back to America. Makes sense.

Pence couldn’t get his paperwork together in a timely manner like a lazy high schooler. Paperwork that is helping him prepare for the White House.

My brain can only flop back and forth between two thoughts:

“I am the only one who knows who the finalists are”

“Intel Will Pump $250 Million Into Self-Driving Car Tech”

One of the smartest people I know asked me this: if they get rid of abortion, what will they have to campaign on? The protests and the pictures of dead babies make them money. She was obviously trying to soothe my jangled nerves, but she has a point.

Call them what they are Pro-Birthers. Everything they stand for is all about the birth. Cutting medical coverage, education & welfare pretty much prove they don’t give a flying fig once the fetus actually become a child.