
Lol, it’s funny how mad the Trump trolls still are even after the election. I bet they’ll even be mad after his inauguration. And I bet they’ll still be mad after 4-8 years of his presidency. It’s almost as if they’ll always be miserable and they just want to make other people miserable because they think it’ll make

I watched this 60 Minutes interview tonight. When Lesley Stahl asked him if he still intended on instructing a special prosecutor to investigate her and throw her in jail, his response was:

I hope he and Dr. Jill Biden get to spend a lot of quality time walking in the woods with dogs and driving in the corvette to get ice cream and watching the grandkids goof around in the yard .

I hope he sets up an A-Team style group of renegade do-gooders who comically thwart the cartoonishly evil GOP policies at every turn.

My current favorite!

I don’t want to give Pepe the Frog Trumpers more credit than they deserve, but this sure seems like trolls trolling the Trump trolls to make them look even stupider. And for what it’s worth, I’m thinking they’re doing a bang up job of it.

What they’re missing is that internal combustion engines are pathetically inefficient. The most efficient ones achieve around 35% thermal efficiency. By comparison, that’s about the same as the average coal plant, and less than the most modern ones, which can top 40%. A combined cycle natural gas plant can top 60%. If

But he will definitely quip, “and the only reason this made the news is because it’s an electric car.” Which is true.

Car should look like this.

Which company are you referring to? Pixar? Because “just light humor, fluffy songs, and dance numbers” describes precisely zero of Pixar’s movies. Well, maybe the Cars movies, but still no dance numbers. And if you’re referring to Disney, he was with Pixar before Disney acquired it.

Don’t you dis Brad Bird. He’s one of

Way to go you liberals. And what happens when there is another disaster like Deep Water Horizon? Who will clean up all that wind?

So he proves that BLM protesters hate murdering cops.

But I flap the paddles.

As my grandfather would say “they don’t build ‘em like they used to” to which I’d reply “Thank God.”

Is it unusual for cops in NYC to arrest all parties involved in a violent confrontation until they sort out the facts?

Generally when people are in a physical altercation, you detain everyone until you figure out what happened. That’s precisely what happened. They talked to the people, figured out what happened, let go the guy who didn’t do anything wrong, and arrested the guy who did.

They’ll only see it as further “proof” that the system is rigged, since they’re already convinced that there’s rampant voter fraud in support of Democrats, therefore the system is only punishing fraud that favors Republicans.

Funny? Or likely? I’m going to go with likely. Yet another reminder that dog-whistles have consequences.

Ah yes, Trump supporters committing fraud in order to combat the non-existent fraud they claim is already happening. How funny would it be if this year sees an all-time high for voter fraud, but all due to Republican voters?