
tbh the fact that she doesn’t want to be president makes her even more qualified in my mind

“I’m sick and tired of people like you...”

Still my fav!

They both bought property on White Feminist Island and don’t check their mail very often.

I do think there is something real to women not valuing men who partake in traditionally feminine roles and pursuits.

What possessed the truck driver to turn at the very end? There were clearly a ton of open spaces, any of which he could have pulled his turn through, but NOPE! Instead, lets try to pull a super tight turn as close as possible to the ONLY vehicle within sight. This isn’t an accident as much as it is stupidity.

Spoiler alert: these assholes are voting for Trump.

Did you survive?

You can’t be taken seriously if you use “social justice warrior” seriously.

You come to a science fiction sub-blog for news? I think I found your problem. Well, one of them, anyway.

No Canadian would EVER defend Bell like that. Theyre the worst thing to happen to the media and communications sector in the last 60 years.

Yea, not the best spokesperson for the cause from here.

Your clear sentence structure, appropriate grammar, and eloquent use of of profanity clearly shows you suffered no adverse cognitive impact from your experiences.

It’s, unfortunately, that kind of attitude that will make human controlled vehicles illegal in the future. When it comes to driving, the one bad egg ruins it for everyone.

I have no idea what driving laws are like in China, but this dude sure seems to be admitting guilt everytime he opens his mouth or releases a video. Dash cam showed he was at fault (you only release dash cam footage if it doesn't incriminate you, idiot) and now he admits fault by saying he was using his phone while

“while the other half should be paid by the Santana’s driver for illegal parking.”

... It was about that time that I realized that the Hilary Clinton campaign was the Loch Ness Monster


Also this guy was losing the fight so pulled a gun?