
That comparison doesn’t even work that well because you could still stick XP on adequate hardware. This thing was still taking upwards of a minute to render a page, just like back then.

According to Neil deGrasse Tyson, speaking on these very pages of Jalopnik, 0 to 60 acceleration has more to do with sticky tires and aerodynamic downforce than with horsepower. I’d love to see a 300 hp car go really fast from 0 to 60. 1,000 hp 0 to 60 figures are meh.

Dear idiots,

If you want to predict the future, look at the past. If Trump does build a border wall and impose stiff tariffs on Mexican car imports, I think it’s obvious what’s going to happen. What happened when a fence was put up along parts of the Texas/Mexico border? Did the drug cartels give up and go home? No, they built

Dude. It’s completely relevant to the future of cars in America. Tell Trump to stop fucking with the auto industry.

Oh, it totally is.

Don’t these guys also love The Matrix, which is a movie about a half-Asian guy, a black man, and a woman fighting an army of white dudes? (Which was made by a couple of men who later became transgender women.)

I would have assumed it was already illegal to wildly discharge a weapon in a residential area, but you know what they say about assuming....

They are all “eerily similar” because in every instance the driver mistakenly mashed down the accelerator.

I love that you’ve completely ignored every comment that correctly pointed to the other car’s superior vantage point for being the reason they braked. That’s the one element that disproves your ridiculous comment and you know it which is why you’ve ignored them rather than admitting you were wrong.

Watch it with volume.

Incorrect. The right hand lane car stopped after the auto-brake chime ended. milliseconds at 55+mph = dozens of feet.

Without Planned Parenthood, I would not have had access to Plan B after a sexual assault in college. I would not have had access to birth control in my 20s. I would almost certainly have a different life than the one I have chosen.

For now, it’s a cool thing that happened.

And the Apple Watch was released in 2015...

This car looks exactly like the one you look in 10 years and think: “Aww these first self-driving cars looked so silly with all their sensors and cameras sticking out from everywhere”. Kind of a recurring theme on 1st gen tech looking all bulky and clumsy.

“Today, a woman named Alana Hope Levinson, a “journalist” with around 30 readers, decided it was time for her to voice her concern that people are “ruining her experiences” without consultation from the rest of the internet (it wasn’t time and will never be time)“


Sorry Alana, but you don’t have any more of a right

Plus there’s the possibility of there being a massive wind spill into the ocean that will ruin the coastline and kill the local sea life.

My husband has major baby-fever, and there was a super cute kid at the place where we had dinner last night. You start to think, “What if ...”

And then you read shit like this. Nevermind.

How did those selfish idiots (including those in non-swing states) not see that even if Clinton was far from their perfect candidate, Trump and the rest of the climate-change denying GOP will stifle the environmental sciences, destroy our public lands and parks, and intentionally drive us straight into environmental