
Translation: “Don’t report car news that makes my choices at the poll look foolish”

Holy fucking shit buddy, how many times do we need to go through this: THE CONTEXT IS POLLUTION AND THE COSTS THAT FOLLOW. How many fucking times does it need to be said before this gets into your thick fucking skull?

This all traces back to your initial premise that it is unreasonable for you to be expected to use

Oh parents, so wonderful. I can’t wait to see what hill I refuse to climb as I get older

It arrived to great fanfare and was pronounced to be the saviour while failing to meet some of the basic expectations of the day.

To hear all my ex-girlfriends talk this is just how men are.

I don’t commute, I drive. Field operations for a large restaurant chain with far-flung locations. Which is why I stated that I literally would not be able to do my job without doing the large amount of miles, there is no choice to be made here, if I’m not the one doing it someone else will be paid to.

The tax doesn’t

For a desktop that isn’t too bad, I’ve only just recently replaced my desktop PC that was originally built in 2008, not saying that older hardware can’t work just fine.

But the difference on the mobile side is that support drops off FAST, so apps stop working at all. Depending on your use case that can be fine but it

You will be mourned

Well in the case of the truck it was a failing of the camera to discern the difference between a bright white truck and a bright sky. Not really a whole lot to “figure out” in that regard, it’s just the visual range of the camera, the answer is more sensors and relying less heavily on just the visual feed(which if I

Were people actually still using their original iPhones and if so, why?

You don’t need to figure out something that has a readily available answer

I read it all and I found it to not be compelling or even remotely applicable to the discussion at hand. And you keep hitting on people trying to ban something they don’t do, but I do drive, a LOT. A full stop ban on gas cars(in city or otherwise) would render me unable to do my job, looking at my odometer I fell just

Again, take this within the context of the article and just look at how bad the smog problem in Paris is.

And I would remind you that the long trip for you into work is your choice, living in the suburbs is your choice and taking a job far from home that requires a commute is your choice. Where do you get off passing

It is always our responsibility to contribute the least harm to our fellows that we reasonably can.

Your annoyance vs the health and wellbeing of everyone breathing the city air...yeah you lose this round Mike

Your name sells something your comment is not able to deliver

Said the idiot troll

It’s almost like you haven’t followed any of the news surrounding this failure at all.

Heating is energy intensive, I really doubt you would pull positive

Do you find it at all ironic that you use the same argument against this that horse lovers used against cars when they arrived in the market?

Known by its other name “this fucking shitty song people dust off every Christmas”