
When there’s a bad law, you fix the law. You don’t go on making everyone else suffer because someone in the past was a short-sighted assbite.

My big takeaway?

Unless they are disrupting the performance, you don’t get to have an opinion unless you paid for their admittance.

No, it would be the same. But that’s a fine looking straw man you have there. Maybe put it out in your corn field to scare off the crows.

“I’ve never been clear on what exactly the Combineis is.”

Uh, no. Abosh is about whether businesses can charge different things to men than to women. That is discrimination because it treats men differently than women.

While the hacking/stealing/distributing of sex tapes and nudes is despicable and low, I also hope that at some point, the photos & videos lose their power. Imagine how powerless those low people will feel when the latest sex tape hack elicits nothing but shrugs and a chorus of “meh, good for her”.

Watching R2 navigating through sand always takes me out of the movie. All I can think of is trying to wheel a cooler down the beach. Yeah fucken right.

Why design droids that look like people? Creating a droid that looks cute and friendly while being functional is a perfectly acceptable in-setting reasoning; these things are products, sold by companies to customers. Clearly in the history of Earth consumerism, there has never been any product that sacrificed any

Not only the weather, but a 7 episode order also allows them to spend more money and post-production time on each episode. With the story being where it is now, there’s going to be more battles and dragons, so they will be spending a lot more time in post.

This might be screaming into the void, but can we please avoid leaping to wild conclusions before we have all of the answers? This was obviously a terrible event, but it won’t be made any better by wild speculation and finger-pointing. Let’s get the facts before we start calling for action against groups or people who

I told my grandma that my partner and I do yoga every night to keep limber.

Translation: Hey Everyone. Stop enjoying things. That is all.

I’d love to use that awesome retort, but can you help me with the common rebuttals.

Yesterday I was driving in the left lane of a 4 lane highway (2 lanes each way) when the right-lane driver came upon a cyclist in the right lane. Without looking she moved over 3/4 of the way into my lane, forcing me into oncoming traffic. I briefly went left-of-center enough to brake hard and slot back into my lane

Unfortunately, there’s no way to change the in-game units in Pokémon Go.

If a guy says he has a bomb on him, is holed up, says he will kill anyone that comes close, and is actively shooting, the appropriate response is to send a bomb bot in and use a shaped charge to detonate any explosives he has on his person before he has a chance to do it on his terms. If the charge kills him, oh well.

You’re really focusing on the real issues here, bravo. Why didn’t they try harder to take this mass murderer alive? Clearly it was racism, and there couldn’t possibly be any other reason why they killed him after hours of negotiations. Where are the protests and murals for this guy, huh? He’s a god damn saint and the

So Louisiana is both an open and concealed carry state, and yet this man is shot solely on the basis that he is carrying a gun?!?! And the NRA keeps telling us that arming ourselves makes us safer?!? Oh, right, black. Sigh.