
I’m always astounded by people who manage to hold this position, that racism is somehow endemic to white people. Why sort of mental gymnastics do you need to do to convince yourself that while people are just naturally racist while also believing that your position is not bigoted?

Because the nature of human rights is that we can’t just choose when and where we apply them, and if we open the door to allow the government to take the lives of citizens we would be doing exactly that.

Let’s be charitable and assume they are a troll rather than a complete and utter fucking moron. At least until they prove otherwise

So your argument is that the actual pedophiles of the various chans use these codewords and extrapolate that out to this?

You’re a fucking moron, please step away from the keyboard and excuse yourself from the conversation. This is a chat for adults

We shared it, read and commented on it.

You have made me question everything about myself and all I hold dear.

She’s human garbage, that’s who she is and will always be.

Having spent time as a 16-25 year old man I can say without doubt that the most dangerous thing isn’t men, it’s bad ideas

Canadian here, we don’t have nukes because we manage to have cordial relationships with other nations and don’t need to walk around waving a gun to feel safe.

Recycling lithium-based batteries can take lots of forms, it doesn’t just mean that we will be tearing the packs down for raw material. Packs from cars will likely find(its been proposed) a new home as capacity for grid storage. So there is a healthy second life for these packs.

We don’t ignore it, it just doesn’t make

Found the butthurt the_donald poster!

Because it’s a foolish way to power a car. Nobody is going to look back at hydrogen as a missed opportunity

I don’t think I’ll take what’s behind door #2

Taking this at face value. If a hard problem that stumps an entire organization of trained engineers seems simple to you, may I suggest that you are probably missing some or many details

If that were the case the far right wouldn’t be so ban happy all the time.

The credits are given out too easily in most cases, dropping value. Removing them with a plan that doesn’t cater to half measures like FlexFuel vehicles will go a long way

The “unrelated politics” are the item that directly drives this story.

Imagine being so triggered that you felt the need to make an entire country into a safe space. Not really a need to imagine it but how about you play along

Well that’s a duh moment.

Maybe there’s something obvious I’m missing but if it’s only 2 blocks why wouldn’t you just walk?