
How is that in any single way relevant? It isn’t the same party pursuing the same goals. The harder you try the dumber you look

When you have the support of the actual fucking without a joke KKK it might be time to ask “what the fuck am I even saying?”

No they should admit that the new presidents idea of protectionism and isolationism is unfeasible in 2016 and that striking down NAFTA would have nearly no effect on American jobs.

You support a guy who gets love from the actual fucking KKK.


Does this really need to be covered AGAIN?

What’s your problem with male hormonal birth control?

Poe’s Law strikes again!

Obviously poor management can sink any project. Has nothing to do with it being wind power

If it wasn’t bullshit it might be something to consider

No difference these people are simply smart enough to realize that the straight dollar cost is not the end of the economic story

They didn’t “want to arrest him” they simply cuffed him while figuring out what had happened.

I always hear this call that for long trips we need faster charging and I you people saying this regularly drive long distances?

I do(field operations for a restaurant chain, clocked 1900 km this week) and I cannot think of anything I like more than a mandatory stop somewhere along the way to get the fuck

Oh man that video pissed me off. You don’t show up to defend an aggressor people

Wondering what you can tell about me...

That honestly is the argument that falls the flattest to me, and I am very much against this law.

Well I was wrong on that assumption but you still haven’t convinced me.

That’s the part that you find revolting??? It’s a butt! It’s not for eating

People don’t really listen to or read critically lyrics. This is how you get songs about breaking up or about an abusive relationship played as “romantic” at weddings and the like. Or how a song by The Weekend is played as being fun silliness when it’s about snorting cocaine.

As usual people are just not so smart

Ok let me tear down your claims: