
Only if you ignore the fact that Lightning is superior to MicroUSB in nearly every measurable way

It’s giving the intelligent people who don’t want global warming to destroy us freedom from idiots who will refuse to change their behaviours.

If you write your own headlines you’re a fucking hack. If you don’t why are you letting some editor make you look like an asshole?

How does this work in the US? Does the lack of a direct employment relationship still require them to handle it?

Small amount of pedantry: New Shepard is suborbital. Nobody will be using this escape system on their way to orbit because this rocket can’t get there

All the bile he spews and your issue is his blathering about globalization?

Expecting individual humans to simply “be better” is not a strategy, it’s a wish.

You don’t exist

Exactly. Ownership extends exactly as far as the force supporting it does

You really don’t understand what a planetary extinction level event looks like do you?

For many of the scenarios having a lot of us in one place is almost worse than having a smaller spread out population

No. As Michael_GR notes getting to orbit isn’t about going up, it’s about going sideways REALLY fucking fast.

You can only keep doing things “the way it has always been done” if you don’t intend to do anything new.

Less efficient than a hohhmann transfer sure, but more efficient than a fast transit followed by entering a parking orbit.

I’m slightly curious as well what the associated dV gains are by shortening the travel time and reducing the total weight of carried consumables? I’m just a layman who loves MOAR STRUTS sadly...

It’s not a very good article because he misses a lot of important points.

Direct EDL is enormously more efficient than making parking orbit, if your craft can survive entry.

The cost of doing it isn’t the issue at hand, the cost of NOT going is huge.

What happens on earth when we no longer need to demolish entire ecosystems in order to exploit valuable commodities?

In which tech bloggers breathlessly report that yes, in fact, gravity is still a thing that exists.

Saving water yo!

Yeah no. The problem is that when peopl “mind their own business” it might NOT be all rosy and then kids or pets die.