
Have you missed the last 2-3 of phone development? They've reached the point already where they are competent enough. Nobody is innovating much because there simply isn't much more to do with them until we have some breakthroughs in battery life

There will almost certainly be a cable that is lightning on one end and breaks into aux and usb on the other. Belkin offered one in the 30-pin days, I will be very surprised if one isn’t on the market soon.

Not just the victims, all eye witness testimony is nearly useless. If we had anything at all better we would do well to abandon it entirely

Because even in perfect situations eye witness testimony is near to useless.

What? Who? I have no idea who this is aimed at

This was my initial reaction as well reading this. Rockets can dogleg their flight but you expend a ton of dV doing that

NASA has always relied on private contractors to build and in many cases provide launch services.

We can fuck them up wholesale and I would be willing to bet they know that

YOU made it about guns for some reason. Shows off who the real crazies are: those who think guns are fundamental to the fabric of society

He would need to reach absolute zero for it to be slow enough for you to get it


Janeway is still my favourite but my god the things Brooks could do with a simple look is really doing it for me.

Ding ding we found the idiot.

It’s almost like words can be used differently in different contexts and are shaped more by the intended usage of the speaker than anything else.

No they pronounce it correctly

CarPlay already does more than that. Your opinion is uninformed

They’re only nice because they can be.

Are you aware that 1) it takes literally seconds to get enough charge to work for another half hour, 2) it can be charged via a traditional lightning cable.

You bought a phone 3 years ago that was already 3 years old. Your argument isn't even worth consideration.

God you people are unoriginal. Current version of IOS supports back to the 4S in 2011.