
About $3.50

Why compromise like that? Almost no other product in our lives is bought and sold like cars are. There's no good rationale for selling them this way

Came to comments to say this. I think Kristen may not even have read that report before sharing it in this article since she very clearly does not understand what they were measuring

Not even remotely related to population. Nor are we at the max carrying capacity of the earth.

What is best was never in debate, sphere isn’t an ideal shape but it’s better than the R2 design which is what I responded to.

It’s a world where they have the technology to hover, project force fields, generate artificial gravity and travel faster than the speed of light.

An actual robot designed like R2 would fail in all but the best case terrain. A sphere can roll on many surfaces easily.

I’m in favour of gun control(I live in Canada and it WORKS) but in all fairness any reasonably accurate rifle would accomplish this feat. You don’t need amazing gear to pull it off, the sniper with the most kills was a guy with an aged rifle using iron sights

Yes let’s base everything on emotions and not data. /s

You can go fuck yourself

Counter point: he undoubtedly has to be present in many web conference meetings and they may use Citrix which 1) isn’t friendly about holding settings, 2) likes to light up your camera when joining conferences.

Actually no, it doesn’t. Where I live upwards of 90% of the power is derived from hydro.

Good effort though

On a second read he is still an idiot who thinks this Is up for debate

You idiots. This isn't an open debate we know the effects of CO2, stop acting like the facts are yet to be discovered

What is it used for in this installation?

Nothing, as much as things are going on with people and culture. Culture is preaching a dangerous set of ideals, if not curbed it manifests in these negative ways.

Not sure if troll or serious

Can they at least get a heist that works unlike the original?

Does it matter? Vengeance produces nothing useful and understanding something is not the same as condoning it.

That's essentially Falconn Heavy, it's 3 modified Falcon 9 cores, I would imagine the reason they went with a similar sized middle core is to keep tooling and manufacturing line cost down. This way there is going to be a ton of commonality of parts