
Not really an issue when you can charge at home, at work while parked and other locations.

Well subsidies in a growing industry is sensible, subsidies to a profitable and well established industry is stupid.

Are you aware of or willing to admit to the hundreds of billions that oil companies net in subsidies? I suspect not

It’s as if you’re stupid enough not to realize that for most fleet vehicles operating costs are the lions share, purchase price isn’t what eats it up.

What a surprise to find you, again, on the wrong side of an issue.

Pretty sure they have confirmed no cross feed at this time, however the centre stack may throttle down to conserve fuel

Nothing to do with that, launch times are always listed for the launch site.

Do you not think you're already off to a bad start since they have no issue breaking the law and violating your rights?

Common sense doesn’t matter, the law does. Most places notice is required, you can't just ignore that because you want to

Can we please? I hate urinals, I’m not sure who decided that I want to expose myself to the entire line of men while peeing but I don’t.

Not at all an apt comparison

Not sure about where you live but here (Canada) large electronics retailers tend to have recycling programs

Well they don’t, so I’m not sure what the fuck you’re on about.

You should stop commenting because you are not knowledgeable enough to have an opinion that matters.

You're making the same basic incorrect assumption that anyone is actually flying the damn thing. The computer is the humans are primarily along for the ride

In situations where the pilot is actually doing some piloting I can see where that would come from.

Basically the entire flight is managed by the computer already, human intervention for the new CST and Dragon craft will be minimal. It’s not as though you’re actively piloting the craft.

More points of failure doesn’t increase the overall uptime of a system. Do the math, probabilities aren’t hard.

Ah ok, so the original comment speaks about the Model S, so you fire back about the Model X.

Awesome childish response to an accurate comment. Keeping the quality high bro