
You people keep beating this drum, most people don't need long range. You don't do the long drives you think you do

The hell are you talking about?

You didn't read the article did you? Most quadrupeds have their nipples or udders towards the rear, unlike elephants

Your browser caches a ton of stuff to help sites load more quickly. Because the law doesn't care about how things work they have in past cases considered that to be possession

Yes. What this comes down to is that child porn laws more or less ignore the technical realities of the Internet and take a very liberal definition for the word “possess”. They consider automatic caching performed by your browser(over which you have no control) to constitute possession.

The stereotypes are so thick in the comments today. You don’t seem to realize that weed use and ambition aren’t mutually exclusive.

That last sentence of yours is so deliciously hypocritical.

And yet I bet all these people will down a bottle of wine without thinking twice.

Imagine if you read the article before commenting

You didn't even read the article did you? Because the stupidity of your comment suggests You didn't

How exactly does design by committee have anything to do with this? This problem doesn't exist because of that, it exists because people are cheap and will save $5 by putting their $500 smartphone at risk

The difference is that men already experience these things. Pain is universal to the human condition, the shame we've created isn't

Those other parts I think can more easily be understood as men also get cramping for a number of reasons(thanks bowel, I really love you too). Pain is far more of a universal human experience than the unique shame we've created around menstruation

This comment has far reaching implications: how do they dispose of garbage in the bathroom? Who ARE these monsters?

They wouldn't. Welcome to Jezebel

I may be wrong but I would imagine that laws requiring employers to insure a harassment free space trumps any contractual obligation they have to him.

The hell are you talking about? Have you ever spent time around a gas station? They have tons of downtime, even at 6x the charge duration it’s fine.

Does anyone have a sense for what that massive piece of glass costs? I live in Alberta, which means that every winter you can be sure to take at least a few worrying rock hits.

This. So much this. Everyone misses the damn point, it’s not about lowering prices across the board it’s about walking away feeling like you didn’t get scammed, which is exactly how I felt after buying my first car and finding out after they said “this is the lowest we could possibly go without losing money!” That a

Sigh, really?