
No weeping, no moaning but lots of gnashing of teeth(my dentist tells me I grind).

Sooo, females. This isn’t a stab against trans men or trans people in general, they can and should do whatever is necessary for their mental and physical wellbeing but you can’t just start fucking with words that have solid biological meanings. What you're grasping for is woman/man, which are social constructs.

Metal has seams too, just saying.

They really tripped me up with their bullshit Glass hate with that statement.

Because the casing is the same not the electronic guts. Obviously

When you find yourself fussing with and compiling a BSD kernel to run a home ZFS server I think one can call themselves a techie.

No you said background GPS, keep your story straight. That is a different thing from background refresh.

are you stupid? No techie because I'm using one, techie while happening to use one.

Unless the other students took the first swing it doesn't matter. Even a highly racist comment doesn't justify an attack.

Unsupported assertion. Plenty of techie people use iOS, I'm posting this reply on an iPhone right this moment.

Are you actually this ignorant?

It pages it, the same way OSes have been handling finite memory FOREVER. When something gets bumped off the end anything it does retain will get shuffled into regular storage.

And no, there is no “100 apps open”, that is again NOT HOW iOS WORKS. Unless they are of a class of app that is

If you think you have a manual override on a horse you clearly have never ridden a horse

Eat shit troll. Even if we close every single racetrack you're still the ducking bad guy if you race on a public street, my only hope is that it's the shitbags like you who do the dying, not innocent commuters

Are you fucking stupid? The racers are to blame you fuckwit. Not someone who was moving out of a lane to avoid someone doing 90mph plus.

No, you’re just wrong. The apps stay in memory only until the memory is needed for something new. You can demonstrate this by watching RAM usage on a jail broken phone.

Stupid comment is stupid. People who don’t manage their notifications aren’t iPhone people, they are people who don’t care. They exist on both sides of the fence.

Why should “white people” in any way need to “answer more for racism” that is not their own and is only related to them by the tenuous connection of melanin?

Either way this whole fuss is fucking stupid. I have never once in my life watched the Oscars and have no desire to, because it’s a perfect example of awards

I do a lot of long distance driving for work(60,000km a year usually) and what people don't realize is that stopping for 15 minutes isn't inconvenient it's necessary. Seriously, getting up, using he washroom and walking around often takes at least 10 minutes, in that time I could have charged!

only if it isn't made by white people

Yes it sounds bad but it’s part of presumption of innocence. You can’t just take action absent certainty but you also can’t risk having a dangerous individual out there with a gun an authority.