
If you are asking a question about female fertility why would you study men? You jumped on the stupid bandwagon with Julianne

Reason 1000 people like you shouldn’t have a voice in science. This is a valid scientific inquiry, menopause and lack of fertility later in life is the exception in the animal kingdom, not the rule.

Sorry bear, but your reason and fact based comment has already been washed away by the uninformed snark.

It DIDNT upset so many whites people, as evidenced by the fact that nobody showed up.

Eh. That’s not a great takeaway. The available evidence seems to show that this is learned behaviour, so we should seek to NOT teach men to think this way from the start.

Socialization more than anything is what seems to matter here, so lets make it work for us.

They spoiled the southern economy by forcing them into a cheap commodity market(cotton) rather than the industrialization the north experienced, what with its lack of plentiful and cheap labour. Clearly

Open source...what exactly?

No. Not idea, device. The original intent was you protected a given piece of hardware or method of performing s given task. You couldn’t just patent the concept of a steam engine, you needed to demonstrate a method to do so.

I am well aware of the difference, I just don’t see the sell to consumers who get fast but still brutally laggy net.

I know. I just don’t see a selling point for customers to get very fast connections when the latency will be so bad.

How the fuck am I supposed to snipe some fool when my connection has to go to SPACE man?

The only problem with this thinking is that when you look at the numbers you generally find suicide bombers are better educated than their peer group and for some reason engineers are disproportionately represented within the group.

You people are just the worst. Your assumption that evolution didn’t leave certain unfortunate stamps on our brains is just so so wrong.

Not really sure why you feel the need to narrow down that statement...any time the police pointlessly kill a citizen is a tragedy.

Thsts what I gather, yes. The temperatures are required to initiate and sustain the fusion reaction, which is why cold fusion was such a holy grail(even if it’s seemingly bogus)

Neutrons are released as a consequence and as far as I understand they are used for heat when they impact the interior walls of the device. Neutrons have no charge so aren’t contained by the magnetic field.

Energy in and a solid knowledge of the materials they are heating. They may have some sort of measurement device but I would doubt it

Missed the bits further down the convo, yeah. I fucking hate how kinja by default shows me fucking comments all out of order. Makes it a nightmare to figure out what people are actually saying...

Of which you are a part. Roads that reduce their speed limits typically see an increase in fatalities, not a decrease

Men also approve of hooks, the real problem here is that horrible people design bathrooms. These are the people who don’t put little walls between urinals, who leave huge gaps in between stall doors, dont build stalls down to the floor(I’m not super tall and its fucking outrageous that I can sometimes almost see OVER