
For function I can understand going with the people who actually use it, but packaging? I don’t understand. Does this follow to other products, should women be told to “go ask their husband” if they work for Gilette and have opinions about the packaging of my shaving cream?

You mean the probe that had mechanical failure leading to the cold gas thruster and the harpoons failing? The harpoons failed (likely) because of the reaction material they used(discovered in 2013) while it was launched in 2004.

It is hilarious that you think you know better than someone who has been involved in space. The basic tech we need isn't terribly complex, the devil is in the details.

Inhouse production of their batteries, as in the factory they are building in Nevada.

There's more than one kind of radiation. Ionizing radiation is the dangerous type, you aren't informed

Even though the Eurofighter had to contend with the end of the cold war and the decline of European demand it still managed to produce an actual functional plane. Something that the JSF program has yet to accomplish.

And regardless of the delays in getting it complete it didn’t experience the ridiculous cost overruns

The F-35 isn't expensive because of the difficulties in designing an aircraft it's because of the ridiculous way it's being developed and how it's being forced to be everything to everyone rather than doing one task well

Who gives a shit about dogfighting? Stand off distance is the bigger issue

You weren’t wrong, I AM an asshole. Just so happens you and I see eye-to-eye on this issue :)

Individuals do not require your consent or acceptance to deal with their mental or physical health.

The answer is and should be “what works”, at the moment surgery seems to be the best option. This doesn’t preclude us finding a more effective solution in the future, but we need to be willing to help people today who

He’s still perfectly free to say what he wants. Nobody is denying him that right, we have all just agreed that he’s an asshole and are showing him the door.
Also I’m not even american but I am aware that freedom of speech relates to the inability for your GOVERNMENT to harass you for speech. It in no single way relates

Welcome to fucking bodily autonomy dude. You don’t get a vote in what others do to THEIR body.

Before you continue posting consider educating yourself, body dysmorphic disorder exists and if bringing their body into line with how they feel works....why are we arguing with it?

Them wanting to not be murdered, assaulted

Get your facts straight. Parental leave in Canada is covered under EI, so yes it covers more or less everyone unless you are(I believe) self employed. Yes this covers restaurants, and no you don’t know what you’re talking about if you say this isn’t the case.

Did you even read the article? That's why they are proposing a national grid that drAws power from diverse sources and locations

Windmills will cause localized increases in bird deaths, continuing to burn coal and gas currently causes global death for all manner of animals.

Airports don’t use salt, they use urine(often horse or something similar).

What freedom? Christ I had trouble making poop happen with my roommates in the apartment.

This is a woman who described AIDS as “retribution for improper sexual conduct” in the late 80s while campaigning against contraceptives.

I can’t say this enough but fuck Mither Theresa. The women is always spoken about like she’s a saint but she was a fucking piece of shit. I'm so beyond glad she's dead

Find the actual post, someone shared it further up. Jezebel is doing as they do and not being even remotely honest about what he said. They took a tiny piece of his post explaining how these women weren’t lying and make it seem otherwise.