
No, it doesn't. Learn reading comprehension

I don’t understand this position. What the fuck does it matter that he didn’t want to share that part of his ancestry?

The fucking original post. Go back and read it, they are bitching about people and electric cars.

You mean like the piles of subsidies and favourable regulation handed to the oil industry?

Again, none of those are rare earths. I’m not sure what you’re getting at?

The original point was regarding electric cars. You're the one who needs comprehension

What rare earth materials? This argument is valid for hybrids that tend to use nickle metal hydride batteries(the Prius I believe does) but that isn’t necessary for vehicles that are using lithium-ion packs such as Tesla or the new Chevy Bolt. They will use lithium(not a rare mineral) and something like

Jesus fucking christ for the last time the “rare” in rare earth minerals DOES NOT RELATE TO HOW MUCH OF IT THERE IS ON EARTH. It references the fact that they typically occur in low concentrations or as a bound element in other ores. This makes it rare in the sense that it’s hard to economically produce the stuff, not

And you conveniently ignore the facts as well. Yes we would need more power but if you even just burned the gasoline used in ICE vehicles for power you would be ahead of game because of the capture and filtering that is possible to do when size and weight constraints are lifted. Then you can factor in that we no

How is that relevant to how the legal system handled/mishandled the case? Not everything we discuss around a legal case needs to revolve around the victim.

The shuttle also had an engine that can gimbal to a wider degree than many.

Plus most importantly: consent consent consent. She has no fucking right showing this video

The source for that is working for a major cell phone carrier for several years and seeing dozens of phones every day. You wind up picking up on trends.

It’s a tool that I use hundreds of times a day, I could not give less of a shit about it being some bespoke layout, I simply want it to be efficient.

His explanation is fucking stupid. That aside how is this mansplaining? You're the one who is trying to tell US why we do something. We aren't the one being a condescending asshole, that would be you in this case.

The 16 apps I need access to regularly are right where I need them, everything else is off on the second page awaiting deletion.

Would it be better to have all my apps two taps away? For things I use many times in a day that sounds awful

#accuracy I always do it backwards

Ouch. Yeah there may be places you would wait longer but it was dead easy to do online. All I needed was to first have signed up for the the provincial health services, which was a downloadable PDF that I filled out in 20 minutes.

Taxation would go up but overall cost per capita would be drastically reduced.