
It does work. Only place it doesn’t work is in the mind of its opponents.

Just wait until a year or two in when it is so far behind everything else that you cry.

a standard cable makes sense if the standard cable is good. Micro USB is not that standard. USB-C might be.

Why does the speed matter? I never push any large files over the cable, it’s purely for charging.

Keep up, this hasn't been a serious problem for years now

Yeah no. Micro USB sucks so much, why would I want a bunch of those cables cluttering up the place

Why is this always the debate that gets trotted out? The answer for an autonomous car is the same as for a human driver. Your ultimate responsibility is to the passengers.

I like my iPhone but can we complain here about how lousy CarPlay is?

More likely they want the announcement and demonstration to be theirs since it's their software and work. All VW has done is shipped their work

Where I am we get serious winter and basically all parking lots have block heater plug ins. Many new developments are even making chargers an option, and public lots have spaces that have chargers built in. It's a problem but it is fairly easily solved

This all seems very silly to me, it misses he point that people should be reading good stories not just blindly following a type f author, whether they be white or a woman or gay or an alien.

Just throwing out my experience as the gender who is “supposed” to do the asking(which is still bs but alright)

Gotcha! It will be really exciting to see what can be launched when there are good heavy lifters available to use. If I had my way we would be dumping 2-3 JWSTs into orbit

As with most things it depends on use case., if you need to do the other stuff it can be worth it. And it’s really not hard at all to set up, Kodi or Plex is a simple and easy install away.

Booster core sizes are important but not the really critical piece. Consider how the stresses of launching affect large and small mirrors, a large diameter mirror will experience a tougher time on launch.

Plex, Kodi, it’s not as thought you lack options. If you happen to have a USB tv tuner you get even more options of using something like MythTV.

All Christians are the devil. What else would you expect of people who believe it's moral to load some guy with their sins and execute him brutally therefore earning all of us endless forgiveness?

My understanding of the blackface issue was that it had a dirty history in American culture.

It is compromised, in the trade offs they made in the airframe to support VTOL capabilities

The hate train isn't bullshit we are just being realistic. The JSF program has resulted in a compromised plane. That doesn't mean it's a terrible plane but it's far from whAt it should be given the development costs