
They aren’t and are not marketed as “non-lethal”. Their category is “less-Lethal”, such as rubber bullets and such

The problem is that they assume everyone has a job where they can bang out sensationalist articles and collect a paycheque.

Random white dude here who took too long to come to terms with his privilege.

There is likely nothing beyond this world so let’s not wait.

No kidding. You can adapt and respond to rapidly changing scenarios easily with proper information and presentation. The existence of RTS as a thing people enjoy proved it, these people need better command and control abilities, not machines that try to figure out messy context

Uh huh. 18 KSers backed, I’ve only been burned on 2. This one in particular being the most recent.

That's roll up the rim. That's how Canadians do

Worried about putting mileage on? I’m always excited to see it climb.

Uh, why? There's nothing there to fuck up. There's no plants or animals to destroy. It's empty deadly deadly space. Isn't it better to extract resources there rather than in a biosphere? (The answer is yes)

You call them cranks but I like to keep an open mind. A lot of things that are known and verifiable now would have seemed like insane pseudoscience not so long ago.

I managed a little fast food restaurant and let me tell you: nobody knows what the fuck those are for. Nobody. I as a 28 year old man had to explain to a bunch of girls (who had spent the last year of employment changing them every day) what it was for.

If there is a draft at all why should women be exempt?

Indeed, though I don’t really understand why it will take us 18 months to impose the same rules as we impose on alcohol.

Did you actually just say American exceptionalism without it being ironic?

Yes, it blows me away how friendly America is with Saudi Arabia when they are in the top 10 shittiest nations on earth.

I’m fully aware(I live in Alberta) but given how the last 10 years went there’s a surprising amount of conservatives out there.

Because it won’t be for very long the way things are going. Reason and facts are finally starting to make their way into the debate. When that happens the rabid “WEED IS BAD!” argument tends to fall apart rather quickly

Is there enough of a dependence with marijuana to justify a schedule II classification? Schedule I clearly makes no sense as there is good research to show that it can help with seizures and appetite/pain for people undergoing cancer treatments.

The obvious answer would be none of this nonsense is necessary,

I wouldn’t hold your breath, there’s a lot of support for it but there are also a TON of folks who think that marijuana is a danger(they think this while holding a glass of wine of course).

As long as people look at prohibition as a moral issue rather than a freedom vs external costs issue I’m not sure it’s going to

I’d be curious how an outside observer sees things :) I tend to think my singing is just rock solid when I’m hitting the bottle but apparently I’m the only one....