
That have nothing to do with whether or not it impacts your reaction times, your judgement or your motor abilities. These physiological effects are easily measured and common to all types of alcohol.

I’m not talking about how it makes you feel but rather how it quantitatively affects the brain, which is what matters

Some of it is also based on tolerance, not unlike alcohol. The first time I ever smoked weed(and got a buzz) I could hardly even move, I just sat in a chair unable to stand or operate my pockets for a few hours.

Now....not so much, I can function more or less as normal.

My experience is that you aren’t sloppy and out of control as when you drink but when you do drop the ball it tends to be epic.

Good job adding nothing to the debate and being bigoted yourself.

If you ignore all their successful Grasshopper tests where they accomplished this 3 years ago

Not just private travel, all space travel needs cheaper costs.

What do you expect from people who follow a wholly immoral religion that frames all sin as being again God? I mean just look at what Jesus did, he sought to go about forgiving everyone that they may be saved.

cutting cost is the innovation that space travel needs if we ever hope to do it.


Yes! Plus if you see interviews with Mulgrew, because of the bifurcation among the writers(some of whom wanted janeway to be Iron Lady and the others who wanted a more feminine/mother captain) she had to play it off like her character was shell shocked and suffering PTSD, which I think she nails.

The lifetime of the batteries is measured in years, it isn’t a big issue. As for the durability I’m not sure why you think a drop would break it? It’s electronics, they don’t have moving parts, a drop simply doesn’t matter.

you do realize that not every car has a bespoke key right? That there are a number of possible keys for each model?

I like having a car that isn't totally useless the 5 months of the year the roads are solid slabs of ice

My only issue with Picard is that he was never willing enough to use force even when it was warranted. Like dude your ship has thousands of children and civilians aboard, they're blowing your shit up, cut the chatter and show them some gunboat diplomacy

You better watch out cause I'm gonna come and we're gonna fight. Just don't hit too hard, I don't wanna mess up my face

And yet Star Trek is still obsessed with Kirk and his nonsense. I get a lot of hate from ‘real trekkies” who dislike that Voyager was my fav series and that I can argue (and win) the debate that Janeway is the best captain in the series.

Uh huh, however if you look at the numbers it actually falls pretty evenly along demographics of the US.

Welcome to being wrong. If you're backing up around small children or in a limited visibility vehicle (SUVs are bad for it) good luck seeing anything behind you just with the mirrors

Is this comment sincere or sarcastic? I can't even tell.

Space Exploration Technologies is the actual name, spacex is the front facing public name. You are not confidence inspiring