
I’ve seen you comment a few times on a few things, you’re either a troll or have had very bad personal experience.

They have lost all of one rocket since they nailed their final test flight years ago. Their record isn’t ULA good but you are very much misinformed.

You’re asking the same question as “when will arab people address their culture of terrorism?”.

Why shouldn't people hate on someone who comments something profoundly stupid and ill informed?

Clearly you aren’t aware of just how much money is funnelled to the ULA currently. SpaceX promises to introduce actual competition to the market.

Diamonds are the most boring form of carbon. I'm all about that coal

Looks like we found the idiot

Oh look, I found the person who doesn’t understand how DNA works, how sexual reproduction works or how GMOs work.

You touch on the problem while ignoring the real issue. Muslims as a group that encompasses over 1.6 billion people and experiences a rate of radicalism that matches fairly closely with that found in other faiths.

I genuinely don't think this is a result of planned failure but a result of how much the whole product is being dictated by Jony Ive. On many devices form trumps function and I really think he's be one driving that

If you're expecting any computing device to be functional in any meaningful way after 10 years you better be ready for disappointment.

Love you for this, I've been doing the same thing!

Why would we want to in any way be involved with those insane assholes to the south?

You have to be high if you think a single engine short range plane like the F-35 is relevant for canadians. Since we don't stick our dicks places it doesn't belon we don't need stealth which is all the JSF has to offer

You made a mistake by introducing facts into what the idiot made a partisan discussion. They don't respond to facts

I very much hope so. All too often people are convinced to argue against their own best interst

It’s not all roses and sunshine, there’s a lot of butthurt men/whitepeople describing this as “affirmative discrimination”.

That’s just not true when you look at the per capita spending.

They tried to pull in from a left turn lane. Regardless of the ridiculous amount of space left ahead the truck folks are idiots and absolutely not in the right

When you do it to men it’s somehow different. Same thing going down with my new (attractive) Prime Minister.